Blackgnat, I am so glad you took Cedar's advice and posted during this dark time for you. I can relate to all that you are feeling, the continual ruminating now that you know the they keep rolling around your brain like an endless loop of jagged words which snag your peace of mind and throw it overboard. Ugh.
I like what childofmine said about writing and dumping the pot when it gets full. We here can help absorb all of that 'stuff.'
Along with all the feelings you're having, try hard not to judge yourself about having the feelings you are know what Blackgnat? This is the hardest thing any of us here will ever have to do, so while you are in pain, just know that it is because this is as Cedar says, "a personal devastation like no other" allow yourself to grieve, be angry, resent him, dislike him, be furious at him, feel compassion for him...........all of it.
It is so overwhelming sometimes because realistically, it really isn't just one feeling, it's all of those I mentioned and so many just rolls over us like a huge black cloud and envelops us in the while you are going through this, allow the feelings, write about them, cry about it, rage against it, whatever is inside of you, express it safely...........and it will subside. My experience says that if we hold it in or try to repress it, it lasts longer. That alone was enough to make me want to feel it all, and now.
When my daughter was in jail two years ago, she acted in similar ways, so I understand how you feel. As you feel better about it, it would be prudent to ask yourself exactly what is it that you want to do? Do you want to chat with him daily? Do you want to put money on his books to call you? Do you want to visit him in jail? Do you want to take a break from him for awhile? What is it you want? Once you figure that out, then figure out if what you want to do will create resentment for you. Try to discern the difference between loving kindness which feels good and enabling which feels bad. Resentment is a big part of enabling. It is not a part of loving kindness.
You don't have to listen to him. You don't have to put money on his account. You don't have to visit him. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. It's all up to you. There is no right or wrong, only what you are willing to do. You've been responding a certain way to him for a long time and now it seems is the time for you to change that response. Tell him you need a break from his drama. For as long as you need it, if that is what you want to do.
It's so difficult for us to accept our kids the way they turned out to be. It has been the hardest thing for me to do. And yet, as we accept them as they are, without enabling them, we can invite peace of mind back in our lives. He is who he is, you can't change that now, only he can. And, apparently he is choosing not to. I am sorry about that. But that is the truth.
While he is away, he is safe and warm. While he is away, you can let go and begin to heal from all of the trauma he has caused in your life. You can nourish yourself. You can be kind to yourself, you can focus on you and what your needs are. Take the focus off of him Blackgnat, ask yourself what do I want FOR ME? Put the focus there, on you and your desires and so deserve that.
This is an opportunity for you to detach from him while he is in a place where he can't harm you or anyone, or inflict his drama on you. Don't allow him to do that. Read the detachment article at the bottom of my post if you haven't already, it may help you. Say the Serenity prayer and if it feels right, place him in the hands of whatever your perception of a Higher Power is...........there is nothing else you need to do..............there is nothing else to do, you've already done it all.
If you are really antsy, there are Youtube guided meditations which are very calming, they have some for anxiety, fear, peace, whatever you need, just google what you want. Pray, take deep breathes and hang're not alone, we're here with you, ............we get it.........we're all holding you in cyber space, one big giant group hug..............