OK, I'm going to try and 'start fresh'. Honestly, the last time I came here (not this thread) I felt like I was (metaphorically) slapped. Really gave me that 'soft place to land' feeling like the tagline of this forum/website lists (that was sarcastic). I stopped posting because I was seeking out SUPPORT, not blame and shame and do this and you're doing that wrong. I'm on the fence about giving this another try. In it's favor is that this the only place I've been able to find with parents with similar stories- I can't even find a local support group that exists nearby and meets at a convenient time or that isn't going to charge me money.
I didn't want to have to create a new thread, but things have changed in some ways and not in others, and I don't want to rehash moot points that will only frustrate me. CPS is NO LONGER INVESTIGATING. It's a non-issue. They investigated, found no evidence of abuse, it's over. We're finding a new pediatrician (as I believe that is who contact CPS initially.) So that horse is dead, let's not beat it. School has begun (already 4 weeks into it), and my DS was moved up to 1st grade despite still being unable to identify all the letters of the alphabet. They changed which local campus he is attending this year, and this 'new to us' school has been brilliant. Although, there was the utterly dreadful first day of school which ended up with my 6 year old biting, kicking, punching, pinching, pulling my hair, and spitting on me on the sidewalk in front of the school; a parent leaving the school saw my trouble and kindly offered to get one of the local police officers overseeing traffic to assist me. Instead of all those lovely 'first day of school pictures' I had to worry the the local news crew that videotapped my son being carried into the school kicking and screaming would post that footage. The entire first week of school, I received new bruises each and every day trying to just get him there.
As bad as all that sounds, it's gotten so much better. He loves his new special education teacher, they have even begun occasionally integrating him in 'specials' with other children (things like music, P.E. and such he is now attending with his 'regular' 1st grade classmates.) He hasn't even attempted to run away from that school (except for that first week when I tried to take him in the mornings) and they apparently don't see his ODD as an especially big issue for them. I'm finally getting the ball rolling on assistance via our school district's special education social worker (oh, the irony- she asked me if anyone every referred respite care... as you may have seen in an above post- YES- I get that recommended all the time but am never offered a way to MAKE it happen as we don't have the financial means) - but she's actually trying to connect us with ways to actually make support happen. The ball only started rolling on this on Monday, but it's better than what we had last week.
So, we have a diagnosis: high-functioning autism, severe ADHD, ODD, and sensory issues. He's seeing a pediatric psychiatrist every 6 weeks or so, mainly to manage the one medication he's currently on which is a blood pressure pill to get him to sleep. Even at only 6 years old, without those pills he'd be up until 4am easily. Even with those pills, we count it as a 'win' if he's asleep before midnight. We're tried baths, lavendar, that kind of stuff - but he'll basically wait until I fall asleep trying to get him to sleep and then go out and watch TV until my husband gets home anytime between midnight- 2am. Even when you get him up early, don't let him nap - the boy is the freakin' Energizer Bunny. We cannot yet afford (even with insurance) to send him to ABA therapy, and the social worker has that on her list to assist with as well.
So, at this point, things are looking up in regard to school and (hopefully) getting assistance. However, with all this good news, there is still issues at home. Yesterday, for example: great day at school, ate lunch with other kids, went to PE - they are having more problems with two other special education boys rather than my son... but then he came home. From the moment I got home until the moment he fell asleep (before midnight- yeah!) he was battleing me. Everything from telling me to "shut up" and that he "hates me" to spitting on me, kicking me, tearing up anything and everything (especially if he knows it's something that will push my buttons), throwing things at me, pulling my hair... and this was all because of a. I wanted to clean his poopy butt (I mentioned that he REFUSES to poop anywhere other than in his underwear, right?) and because a YouTube video that he wanted to watch did not have audio. The creator of the video messed up on that particular one, and you cannot hear him - apparently in DS's world, this is MY fault. I literally had only about 20-30 minutes of him being 'content' out of the time frame of 5:55pm-11:45pm.
I don't know how anyone else gets through this. I'm a basketcase, crying at the drop of a hat, I've already been diagnosed myself with Depression and Anxiety, and can't afford my own medication (lexapro and valium). I feel like a horrible parent because I basically don't like my child way more often than I'd like. I'm sick of him verbally and physically abusing me - although it is getting a little better. At least he's not threatening to kill me on a daily basis. Small victories? I've reached a point where I am actually wishing I'd have some medical 'something' that would just put me out of my misery. I've all but lost my local friends, he has no friends, my husband and I have opposite work schedules (because of DS) and pretty much haven't had time 'alone' together since DS was born... even our own families have basically stepped away out of our lives rather than help (even with emotional support). So basicallly, long story short (too late) I'm looking for what works for others, suggestions, support. Even just a pretend shoulder to cry on and be told I'm not alone out there. I know I'm not alone, but I'm floundering. Even the thought of trying to take him out in public and having one of his epic meltdowns occur makes me cringe and have a panic attack. Maybe I just need to be thrown into a rubber room.