
New Member
In any event, Focalin seems to be having an alarming effect on him so I imagine you will be discussing at least a change of medications with the psychiatrist?

Yes, he has an appointment Dec. 3rd. The 5mg isn't creating a lot of side affects, it was going up to 7.5 that did it. I'm planning on keeping him at 5mg and discussing a change at the next appointment. If whatever she changes it to doesn't work either... then I'll definitely be going to a child psychiatrist. (Thank you DDD, by the way, for reminding me of this - the psychologist had suggested this and I forgot).


New Member
Seriously I am, of course, against using medications with small children before they are needed BUT from experience I know that some children need stimulant help before they reach the "magic" age of six. Have you tried other medications to see if you have better results? In our family (spanning almost fifty years and four ADHDers) we have used multiple Rx's. None of the stimulant medications required titration as they were all quick in and quick out. Ritalin was the first and followed by extended release Ritalin, followed by great success with Concerta, Tenex (which is not a stimulant and does have to be carefully titrated in and OUT) and a combo. We had no appetite issues for breakfast or for dinner although lunch was often impacted.

in my humble opinion if a child is being singled out as a "trouble maker" at age four or five the residual effects often carry forward like a negative label can. As a result integration into the social events of the peer group get waylaid etc. In an ideal world none of our children would ever need medications but sadly many of ours do.

Some really great advice here. It's so hard as a parent. For the past year, we were in what seems like the exactly the same situation as you. We worked with the psychologist and paediatrician and have finally found a medication combination that works, and the difference is astounding. My son (4.5yo) is happy, confident, and has developed friendships. The right environment really helps too: Montessori has been fantastic. I think I mostly wanted to post to say please don't beat yourself up. You are doing an amazing job in an incredibly stressful situation for the whole family.