almost 3 year old! I need help :(


New Member
Our doctor is confused by our daughter because the things she does resembles other children with Aspergers, and Autism, but our daughter has been talking since she was 6 months old and hasnt stopped since! She can sing her ABC's in both French and English and can sing 10 other different songs! She turns 3 in just over a month and can already count to 20! :D

This is almost the definition of Asperger's as opposed to "regular" Autism. With Asperger's there is generally no speech delay and learning is often fragmented - learning more advanced concepts before the basics of what is appropriate for the age. My son could count to 100 and knew his alphabet long before he could utter a sentence. In pre-k he learned all the states and their capitals, but still had difficulty answering a simple question with more than a one word answer.


Well-Known Member
Part of the challenge with "spectrum" disorders is that... the less severe cases are not as obvious. If your daughter had full-blown Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)/Autism, it would be more "obvious". She is likely on the milder end of the spectrum, so it may take longer to get a diagnosis. As they "develop", the differences become more obvious.


New Member
So glad your dr. listened to you. You sound on the right track and remember, even if one of these experts does not get it, if you in your mommy gut feel they are wrong, keep searching.

I remember one of my favorite Asperger's kiddos to work with could sing every single Disney movie song entirely by age 3. could not ask and answer "how are you" or "which toy do you want" very well but we worked on that using PECS in her case... and by age 4.5 she was using functional verbal language to request simple things. Now she is far beyond that at age 12.... She still hums and sings amazing songs though!


I agree with what everyone's said regarding her behaviors and having her evaluated and stuff, but I wanted to say a few things regarding her naps:

-Both my kids were poop smearers. The one with the biggest problems right now only did it a few times, but the one without major problems did it pretty often. It's gross but I don't think it is that unusual... we ended up putting full length PJ's on him... backwards, so he couldn't undress himself as easily.

-Have you considered giving up nap time? I don't know if there is some norm that I broke by doing this, but I took my cue from my mom. She said I had stopped napping by the time I was two. I didn't want to nap, it took forever to get me to nap (if I even did), and then at bedtime, it took me forever to go to sleeep. So she stopped giving me naps and without that rest period, by the time it was the evening I was much easier to go down. And then, the same thing happened with BOTH of my kids. I know they expect it at daycare, but whenever I was in charge, I would let them stay up through the day and then had a consistent bed time, and it seemed to work well for them.

-Also, I know a lot of us have heard "sleep begets sleep", and for my family, I think it was true, but I know it isn't for all kids. Have you tried an earlier bedtime to see if maybe she would stay alseep longer? And, if that didn't work, have you tried a later bedtime?