I'm not going to get in the middle of the charity debate - but I will say this -
Some of us are better at adapting our lives to change. We all have things in our lives that are constant and those things despite how odd they appear to others are normal for us.
Each day EACH AND EVERY PARENT HERE.....has to give up a dream, a hope, or when circumstances become overwhelming to us we see ourselves giving up that one thing we saw in our child that gets US (as a parent) through each day. When that "one" thing we see is taken away all at once by such a thing as a pregnancy? For some of us? We deal. For some of us? We die a little more inside and wonder how much more we
can't take.
Multiply that loss by having a carpy economy, mental illness, wondering how living paycheck to paycheck can be accomplished, stress, parking, the price of gas, the price of EGGS (OMG are chickens serious?) trying to budget and re=budget just to survive and the years of stress of dealing with a less than cordial difficult child - and top off the ice cream with a cherry like "Hi Mom - I knew better, I have no job, My boyfriend is an unemployed slob who knows how to work the system, and I don't even know where I'll be living in 9 months - but then again do most of us? and oh by the way I'm going to have a child, a life to take care of when I can't take care of my own life very well but it's okay because my childs lazy father is coaching me on how to work the system so me and my child get by - not do well, not make it - just get by." Yeah - I can see where MB is coming from. We ALL want so much more for our children. Learning how to let their lives be theirs when they are so dependent on us takes a lot of time.
The death of a dream is seldom easier than the loss of a person through death. Dreams keep us going, dreams inspire us to be better, to have hope to believe. When you take away our dreams it leaves a void that for some can take years to fill. So in the mean time we fill it with emotions readily available to us. It's up to us as friends to say - I bet I can fill a small part of that void with compassion.
Somedays ladies - it's more than I can do to wake up and think - OKAY my son will soon be looking at court and facing 30 years. I should go to work and be the cheeriest person I know....and DF is getting more debilitated...but I should greet every driver who cuts me off while I'm the only one in my house GOING to work on the freeway with a smile and not a finger....and when I get to work and wonder HOW I can pay any bills with what I make, yet if I'm not cheery I can get canned....when all I want to do is sit in a car in the middle of a cotton field and scream until someone rescues me - fixes my finances, fixes my fiance, fixes my kid, my health and makes it all better and NOW I HAVE TO BE the person that makes it all better and STILL DEAL WITH LIFE????
I may not get where you're coming from but if I am your friend - I'll help you to get where you need to be. Whatever I can do to help you deal with this MB - let me know. This board is here for many views and thoughts and opinions. Take from it what you can and as Fran would say - leave the rest. I understand - you wanted so much more for her. But what I learned in therapy is the key words in that affore mentioned sentence is YOU wanted. Here if you need me.
(squints eyes) and if I send you a pair of booties that I get Susie* to knit? YOU BETTA TAKE 'EM. (cause she aint cheap) lol