Another explosive tantrum


Well-Known Member
Roxona, if you are out of control and cant stop, like me, that IS mental illness. Feeling like he is bad means he knows it is wrong, but likely can not stop it or stop doing it. I think he should see a child psychiatrist or a neutopsycologist or both. I was also defiant yet at times very sweet, until my feelings were hurt. For me, this was how my childhood depression/anxiety manifested...tantrums, over sensitivity to stimuli or criticism, and I also had learning disabilities and poor social skills. School was a nightmare. Home was not much better. I needed help that did not exist in my day, but it does now. My family just thought I was bad. It wasnt true.

Hitting me even with a frying pan would probably not made me able to stay in control and it may have made me violent. Im grateful that, although I was a family scapegoat, my parents at least didnt hit me. Would have ended badly in some way. Fortunately, I am physically gentle.

I have battled my various neurological differences and mental illness all my life. As treatment improved, so have I. I dont know that you can convince your hub to help his son or not, while he is still young. Its harder as you get older and if often leads to drugs, although I knew enough not to screw myself up worse with substances, but many mentally different people do, then it gets worse and more complex.

Perhaps you can have your husband read this. Sadly sometimes men will listen to outsiders, but not their wives.
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