My son has been transferred to the prison facility where he will serve his time. He sent us another letter from there. Within the first 2 sentences he's asked for $200.00 so he can buy shoes and food and laundry soap. He says the shoes they supplied him with are too big and that they don't feed him enough. Oh, he also want to buy a fan because this prison is close to the border and it's very hot.

The rest of his letter he was very apologetic for how rotten he has been and how he wants to turn his life around. He said he knows alcohol is a problem for him and he wants to get to the root of his anger issues. He said he prays every night with a group of people and yet in another sentence he claims that he is an outcast because of his dreadlocks.
Needless to say I was not happy that he asked for money and for such a large amount.
I told my husband that we cannot send him money. Husband wants to send $100.00
I explained to husband that our son is a master manipulator and in his letter he is telling us all the things he thinks we want to hear. You know, how he realizes he needs to change. It's a broken record!!! I have heard it too many times before.
Our son is 35 years old. He has been living on the streets for quite a few years and has managed just fine and now that he's locked up he wants money. I told my husband that there is no guarantee that the money would go to what he says. For all we know he could use it to pay someone off or buy drugs.
I told my husband that I want to send him a letter and tell him that we cannot help him financially and then wait to see how he responds. If he comes back to us with a hate filled letter I'll know I was right. If he comes back with a letter telling us he understands, I will be more inclined to think he may really want to change.
It is just so irritating that he only really reaches out to us when he's in trouble.
My husband knows I'm part of this forum and how much you all have helped me. I have shared many stories with him about how so many of these difficult adult children use their manipulative skills to play on our emotions so they can suck us back into their drama. My husband still wants to send him some money.
I know my husband will side with me in the end but I really resent that our son's actions have created this in the first place.
Okay, rant over. Any comments you can offer will be greatly appreciated.
The rest of his letter he was very apologetic for how rotten he has been and how he wants to turn his life around. He said he knows alcohol is a problem for him and he wants to get to the root of his anger issues. He said he prays every night with a group of people and yet in another sentence he claims that he is an outcast because of his dreadlocks.
Needless to say I was not happy that he asked for money and for such a large amount.
I told my husband that we cannot send him money. Husband wants to send $100.00
I explained to husband that our son is a master manipulator and in his letter he is telling us all the things he thinks we want to hear. You know, how he realizes he needs to change. It's a broken record!!! I have heard it too many times before.
Our son is 35 years old. He has been living on the streets for quite a few years and has managed just fine and now that he's locked up he wants money. I told my husband that there is no guarantee that the money would go to what he says. For all we know he could use it to pay someone off or buy drugs.
I told my husband that I want to send him a letter and tell him that we cannot help him financially and then wait to see how he responds. If he comes back to us with a hate filled letter I'll know I was right. If he comes back with a letter telling us he understands, I will be more inclined to think he may really want to change.
It is just so irritating that he only really reaches out to us when he's in trouble.
My husband knows I'm part of this forum and how much you all have helped me. I have shared many stories with him about how so many of these difficult adult children use their manipulative skills to play on our emotions so they can suck us back into their drama. My husband still wants to send him some money.
I know my husband will side with me in the end but I really resent that our son's actions have created this in the first place.
Okay, rant over. Any comments you can offer will be greatly appreciated.