Mom? What's a difficult child?
Wow... that was amazing!!! that he is aware on any level. Even for a brief moment...
K will do that at times "Why Mommy, why do I do these things, why do I feel this way, why can't I get help, Why aren't the blue pills helping?" Maybe he is not completely lost?
When it gives you a resurgence of hope and strength to fight for that kid... my brother and father have personality disorders... K will snoop through things already and take things, she also has started hiding things... Please don't let her become a Mini Dudette... I'll take his good qualities!!!
Just not what you are going through now!!!
Once again I am amazed by you!!! locks and all... and of course DF...
K will do that at times "Why Mommy, why do I do these things, why do I feel this way, why can't I get help, Why aren't the blue pills helping?" Maybe he is not completely lost?
When it gives you a resurgence of hope and strength to fight for that kid... my brother and father have personality disorders... K will snoop through things already and take things, she also has started hiding things... Please don't let her become a Mini Dudette... I'll take his good qualities!!!
Just not what you are going through now!!!
Once again I am amazed by you!!! locks and all... and of course DF...