Kathy and Insane, I think that difficult child's homework is not just busywork; he really needs to do it to reinforce what he has been taught at school. He memorizes things and when homework has one tiny thing that's different, he freaks and gets stuck. Well, don't you think that on the test there will be a LOT of things that are different, to make sure you get the concept? He doesn't even get the concept of getting the concept!
I met with-the guidance counselor today. We are going to revisit the 504 and add to it. The NILD teacher is writing up a formal document about difficult child's auditory processing disorder, and his problems with-sequencing. (I think that's two documents.)
The counselor will talk to the math teacher and the Earth science teacher and make sure that, as is written in the 504, difficult child sits with-peers who can help him. That does NOT mean sits with-his girlfriend in the back of the room! Plus, he cannot be yelled at for talking if it's about work. (And he does a lot of "huh?" stuff, even on the ph with-his girlfriend so I can only imagine how it is in class.)
He is also going to talk to the Earth science teacher about difficult child's homework handouts, and the way the info is written. For ex, the teacher gave me a nice spreadsheet with-ALL of the homework and assignments for the yr. All you have to do is read from left to right and find the name of the assignment, such as "Volcano," the date it is assigned, the date it is due, what sort of assignment it is, etc.
Well, there are about 9 rows from left to right and I told the counselor that difficult child will read the first three and then zone out. He's not being a brat. He just has to be helped with-that part. The teacher is going to hate it but ... if they can get an aide in there or something it would help.
After all the paperwork is on board, we'll revisit the 504. In the meantime, we'll just take it one day at a time.
by the way, difficult child got his Earth science essay graded on the spot. He got a 66.
A "D" ? I said. "What happened?"
"I don't know. I had more than the required 5 sentences to each paragraph. In some, I had 7."
"What about context?"
"He didn't say anything about context. He just kept saying something about the sentences."
"Where's the paper?"
"He keeps them and doesn't give them back."
"You mean he doesn't write in the margins so you know what's going on with each paragraph?"
That's not working ...