Another retro thread: What did you use that your kids/grandkids will never use?


Well-Known Member
I'll start with a black dial telephone and no need for area code with phone number. In fact the first two "numbers" were letters.

black and white televisions.


Keds being THE cool shoes


electric typewriter
Kodak Camera and dropping your film or cartridge off and waiting eagerly to pick up your photos
Polaroid Cameras
Getting your milk delivered to the front door

As a side note: Can you tell me what paroxotene is and more about it?


IBM computers
Corded phones
Rotary phones
Regular cable
Bunny ear antenna
Dial up Internet
Getting charged per minute Internet
Long distance phone bills
Phone number was seven digits locally
Wearing finger nail polish to church was tacky
Water came out of a faucet or a big water cooler
It wasn't normal to have a printer or even a computer
Encyclopedias were dog earned relics that passes through our family over 40 years
(I bought a new one recently)
Roll up windows
The coolest thing was cars that had remote access key panels
The first cell phones that came as a bag
"It's so easy with cellular one"
Ball in cup game
"The good silver"
"The good china"
View finders
The Dewey decimal system.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
slide projector

transiter radio

record player (my kids didn't even know what records were until they were grown)

cane/bamboo fishing poles (can't find the darn things anywhere)


Well-Known Member
I go back aways! We played jacks and marbles outside in circles that we drew in the dirt - my 30-something year olds kids wouldn't know what either one was. Soft drinks came in real glass bottles that we could take back to the store for the deposit ... spending money! The kids know only plastic bottles and cans. We had one phone in the house with a cord so you had to sit in one spot to talk - strangely, nobody considered this to be a hardship. If you were out somewhere and needed to make a call, you found a phone booth and dropped coins in to the slot. Phone booths are almost extinct now. We had a B/W TV and if you wanted to change the channel (there were only three) you had to actually get up out of your chair, walk across the room, and turn the knob. My mother did laundry in a wringer washer, then hung it all out on the line. And the next day was spent ironing - no permanent press back then. Cars came with an AM radio and a heater,and NO seat belts. Only a few expensive luxury cars had AC back then. Nobody had air conditioning in their homes either. We opened all the windows and used fans if we had them. Most of the time you were just hot and you got used to it. And of course there was no AC in the schools either. I don't remember being particularly hot in school but we were used to it too. My whole childhood I don't ever remember having more than two pairs of shoes - one for school and one for church. And we had "school clothes" and "play clothes" ... you changed when you got home.


Well-Known Member about this? Having to get up and turn the television channel rather than having a remote?

Only channels ABC, CBS, NBC.

The Star Spangled Banner when the TV came back on in the morning.

The NBC Peacock if a show was in color

When couples only slept in twin beds on television (they never slept together)

Censorship in movies (no sex)

When Cadillacs were the cool, expensive, showy cars

Drive-Ins are almost gone. I remember those nights watching all the car windows fog up from the couples who were making out.


Well-Known Member
Drive-in restaurants - esp. A&W, but there were a couple of others. (not drive-thru, drive-IN - the waitress came to your car to take your order)

Key-punch machines and punch-cards and paper tape (the old ways of getting data into computers)


Well-Known Member
Jacks, pickup stickes, paperdolls, checkers, stilts, pogo sticks, radio shows like The Shadow, board games, tire swings, family singalongs. At my Grandma's using a phone where there was no dial...just a telephone operator who would say;
"are you the little girl from Florida with pigtails? Sorry, honey your Aunt Jane isn't home I think she's on her way to the grocery store" Sweet memories! DDD


Well-Known Member
pinball machines

if you want to get a job, you look in the paper's classifieds and go in and fill out a job application (this wasn't THAT long ago)

Paper dolls

watches and clocks where you had to be able to tell time


Shooting from the Hip
8", 5 1/4" and 3 1/2" floppy disks
Tape drives
Writing incredibly lengthy programs to make your computer play songs in a series of tones, lasting 20 seconds or less
How cool it was to get a color monitor
ZORK and other text-based games
True Bulletin Boards
Making a "mix tape" from real vinyl 33 1/3 or 45 RPM records
Tape recorders you could carry around - not Walkmen!
Transparency projectors
Pneumatic tube systems in hospitals
Coke machines where you put in your nickel then pulled a glass bottle out by its cap, then it locked again
Round gumball machines that cost a penny
Speaking of... Penny candy!


Well-Known Member
An upright typewriter where your fingers pushed the keys to pushed hard, lol AND carbon paper to go inbetween the onion skin paper used to make copies. Yep, I typed "the original and seven copies" of architectural specifications when I was a young teen working for my Dad. Geez, when you had a typo it was a MAJOR problem getting all the sheets corrected. Sigh! DDD

Probably Donna is the only one who remembers the aroma of the mimeograph machines that were used to make copies. I bet that was carcinagenic to inhale!


Well-Known Member
How 'bout garter belts and stockings where you had to line the seam STRAIGHT from heel to tush??? DDD


CD Hall of Fame
Probably Donna is the only one who remembers the aroma of the mimeograph machines that were used to make copies. I bet that was carcinagenic to inhale!

Nope, my high school really was that far behind the times (and had that bad of a budget). And we used to sniff those sheets for the smell, too.


Well-Known Member
DDD, when I took typing in high school we learned on big ol' clunky manual typewriters with BLANK keys! There was a chart on the wall that we were supposed to look at instead of looking down at our hands. Our teacher was this very prim and proper lady who would come around the room to make sure our fingers were arched properly, nails cut short, and both feet planted flat on the floor. I despised that woman! And yes, we used carbon paper and onion skin and those white typewriter erasers with the little brush on them, the ones that would make a hole in the paper if you weren't careful - and sometimes even if you were careful! And we had to learn to cut stencils to use in the mimeograph machine. I remember the smell of the mimeograph ink very well. We all loved it! Sometimes they'd pass out stacks of papers that were still warm, right out of the mimeograph machine. And we'd all put the sheets up to our faces and inhale deeply!

I remember when I first started working for a big city newspaper in 1966, before copiers were in general use. There were about twenty people in my section. Now if you have a memo or notice to go to everyone, you just make a copy for each person. Back then we had one memo and passed it around. Everyone initialed it after they had seen it and then passed it on. And now, if you have to make copies of a packet of papers, you just hit the "Collate" button on the copier. Back then we arranged the sheets in stacks on a big table, then you'd walk around and around the table, taking one sheet from each stack to make your set. We've come a looooong way!


Well-Known Member
How 'bout garter belts and stockings where you had to line the seam STRAIGHT from heel to tush??? DDD
DDD? that style seems to come back every once in a while... so the next generation just might get to do this one, too.
I'm a fair bit younger than you and... we went through that stage!


Well-Known Member
Wringer washers, and separate spinner machines that you had to sit on or they danced around the room.
Irons with no steam - you used a press cloth.


Well-Known Member
I learned to type on those stupid typewriters with blank keys too...ugh. Failed that I also refused to take stenography. I was NOT going to be a secretary! My mom could write in shorthand and I refused to learn.

I dont think anyone would know what an accounting ledger book is anymore. Or know that you used to actually fill out paper tax forms. Remember going and getting your paper tax forms at the library or the post office? I dont have a clue where you go now to get them. I have looked everywhere. I think you have to download them.


CD Hall of Fame
Must be a local thing Janet, our library and post office still put out tax forms for people.

Something that's gone... GOOD Saturday morning cartoons!