Are you sitting down?


Well-Known Member
Well, it is official! I will become an official Parent Emeritus on Sept 1st!

difficult child got an apartment with 2 friends that work at the same place as her. I just got back from checking it out. Totally awesome place - half a huge house in the artsy district of our city - safe! yeah!

She was determined to never live with me and soon to be husband. She managed to make that goal she will be moved out before we are married!

I look forward to getting to know you all better!


Former desparate mom
Excellent. I agree with Witz. You should have married much sooner. It's great news.
Good for her.


Well-Known Member
LOL! We should have married sooner, period - but difficult child is just now in a position to do this on her own. It is wonderful that she had a goal and is achieving it - even if it was to leave her home - LOL.

We really have come a long way from when I first arrived here. One thing is for sure, life is constantly changing so if you are feeling like you just can not handle it like it is today....hang tight because it will change!


Well-Known Member
Congratulations! And now on with your life :).

I hope to live to see the day our difficult child moves out on her own and can support herself....legally.



We really have come a long way from when I first arrived here. One thing is for sure, life is constantly changing so if you are feeling like you just can not handle it like it is today....hang tight because it will change!

Now this quote is what I am going to hang on to today....thank you....