Aspergers and sexually aggressive


New Member
Hi. New here and looking for answers. Someone with whom I used to be friends has a 14 y.o. with Aspergers. He had many issues at our public middle school (very good school system who tried their best to work with him) with being physically and sexually aggressive. He threw desks, threw open fire doors which wrecked the wall, pushing--all done more than once. He has jumped off busses while stopped at train tracks, lifted up girls skirts and touched them inappropriately in other ways. One girl has almost a PTSD reaction from the experience.

Parents blame everyone else and cite their son's IEP for everything. He even got his own bus provided by the school system because he didn't like the driver and she caused him to become angry. Mom said she wouldn't pick him up because the parking lot is too crowded and his IEP says the school has to provide transportation. Police have been called by the bus/school and by a neighbor.

There is much more to tell, but not sure how far to go. Problem now is sexual aggression. Three to four years ago, started grabbing girls, one being my daughter who is one year older. I spoke to the child, explained behavior was unacceptable and told mom. Her response is yelling at him. Behavior continued, firmer with child, told mom. Another friend found him taking off daughter's doll's clothes and going through her underwear drawer. Issue was addressed by mom and brothers. Child's mom told. Behavior has continued through the years with escalation. Ultimately, the lack of response and responsibility by parents has ended our relationship.

Most recently, friend's son was playing baseball at a neighborhood park. Child with Aspergers shows up at park. Kids include him until he becomes aggressive. This time he went up to a 17 y.o. girl, lifted her skirt, said some VERY scary and inappropriate things and said he couldn't control himself. I won't post specifically what was said, but you can imagine.

My concern is what to do to get him help before he hurts someone. His aggression causes property damage and his sexual aggression continues to escalate.

When mom and I were on better terms, tried to get her to try different things, including a medication. wash, different therapist, behaviorist. Always says no. Obviously, she is not listening to me. I am scared he will hurt someone and cannot just stand by.

Any guidance would be great as I haven't found any journal articles that talk about this connection.
I'm a full grown adult (51 years old) with aspergers. I never acted out in sexually inappropriate ways. However I've just been reading some scientific articles that affirm an aspergers or Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) diagnosis for a considerable number of convicted offenders. Aspergers by definition includes traits of not knowing appropriate behavior and impulsivity. It sounds like this 14 year old isn't getting the help he needs. His behavior is probably going to escalate if he doesnt.

pigless in VA

Well-Known Member
Welcome, Mark. This is a thread from 2009, so many of the posters are no longer visiting this site. We are happy to have you here with us as there are newer members with children on the autistic spectrum. Feel free to chime in where you feel you can offer support or insight.