Attempted Suicide/baby update/ etc


No real answers to life..
Oh Janet, what a drama....Hope Cory finds different ways to cope with Keyana's mom....the cops may offer suggestions behind bars?...Glad the baby was finally born and all is well with her. Thinking of you and sending strength to see you thru....

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Wow Janet, I'm exhausted just reading the posts and updates!

Congratulations on the newest bundle of PURE JOY. What a blessing, too bad it took such a long time getting here.

Cory. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers - for recovery, common sense, and a new outlook. He sure needs to get this straight so he can be a good full time papa. Hugs~

ps: My ex-il's think a birth is a sporting event. They all showed up when I had my dds. I was adamant about not having a roomfull of people. Thankfully, my DR felt the same. Only my mother in law was allowed inside and only after the birth. Whew. Poor Billie probably didn't dilate because she was so wound up from having 8 million people around her. That's not healthy and I'm surprised the nurses didn't kick everyone out. Ugh. Makes you wonder what the heck people are thinking. Did they bring popcorn and sodas too??

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful

Congrats on the new grandbaby!!

I wonder why on earth the hospital allowed that type of circus to go on?? Around here there can be only 2 visitors tops during labor at any given time. And we had to get special permission for both grandmothers to be in for the birth with the Dad. :slap:

Sorry to hear that Cory is still that supceptable to ex's bull. You'd think he'd get fed up with her enough to either cover his fanny with a DNA test or call her bluff by now.

Good grief. What high drama. No wonder you're so stressed out!



Well-Known Member
Well three cop cars just showed up to get Cory. He left in cuffs and shackles back to the ER. He kept looking at me like I had betrayed him but the cops assured him that I had nothing to do with this and that it was the doctors who had sent them because they had to check him out because he had left the hospital without finishing getting checked out last night.

Somehow I dont think he is gonna be too happy when he finds out that he is gonna be kept on a psychiatric hold for this lil stunt. He ordered me to follow them up there. LOL. Ya, ok...I may find time in my day to drop in. I dont think he is going anywhere anytime soon.


New Member
Well, first of all, congratulations on the new grandbaby!
I am sorry to hear about your son. I dont even know what to say.
All I can say is that I am sending lots of hugs and good thoughts your way!


Active Member
Sheesh, Janet. Even the birth of a new baby into the family can't go by without drama.

First of all, Congrats Grandma. I know how tickled you are for Jamie. As for the room full of people ... I can't imagine! Like SRL, I was pretty adament about being alone with only my husband present. I would never have even thought about having my mom or mother in law in the room with me, let alone other relatives and friends! No wonder the poor thing couldn't dialate. It's hard to concentrate when all eyes are on you (sort of like guys who say they have trouble going potty in a public restroom because they get "stage fright". lol).

As for Cory, I sure hope he's okay, and am glad they took him back to the hospital. He nees to know that taking that many pills can be fatal, and not just an attention getter. Hopefully he'll recuperate fine and have learned from this.

Meanwhile, Grandma, kick your feet up for a while. You've earned a little R&R after all this chaos.



Well-Known Member
Ya know whats really weird? I went to the motel on monday night which is what my therapist and I have come to the "understanding and conditions" of calling that my 24 or 48 hour psychiatric hold for myself. I dont need to be admitted anywhere because I am truly not a danger to myself or others but there are times that I simply need to be away from the stress and drama that are my life.


Mom? What's a difficult child?
Oh Janet if it aint one thing it's another!!! It would be nice to just have one drama at a time huh? But I guess that would be called a "normal life" and that is not why any of us are here!!!

I am sorry for all of the cr@p you are having to deal with right now. I am happy for the new grandbaby in your life!!!! Congrats!

Hang in there lady!!! I love the timeout for yourself!!!

I hope Cory figures out his life is important and Kiki needs him...


Well-Known Member

the idea of getting away from everyone is a good one when there is this much drama.

I hope that Corey is able to see the reasoning behind keeping him in "the ward" right now. He needs to get healthy for himself and his baby.

Congrats on the new grandbaby!! Sorry there was so much drama involved. You know Janet, your son's babies bring the mothers and the mothers bring their family too! The more folks in the mix, the more drama.

You must have driven right by me on your way north and south!

Perhpas you can call the general manager of that hotel and ask if you can get a "frequent stayer discount"!



Former desparate mom
I dont need to be admitted anywhere because I am truly not a danger to myself or others but there are times that I simply need to be away from the stress and drama that are my life.

This is true for any individual who wants to keep their bearings in a highly charged atmosphere. I'm glad you are using that skill. I wander off to my bedroom and close the door when the family gets a little too intense. I don't want to argue and I don't always want to hear all the talking. Gets on my nerves. I take a book or magazine and hide out for a half hour. I don't even tell the in laws or mom where I'm going. It's a mental pause.

Keep it up.

As far as an audience, I can't imagine anyone but husband being with me. It's just private and I don't like having to talk to all those other people.


Well-Known Member
Sorry that this is spoiling the happy time of your granchild's arrival.

Are they going to take into consideration the gun problem several months back? It appears that he is seriously spiraling down and really does need some help. I hope he gets the right help this time.

house of cards

New Member
What an ordeal you are living through, I wish you can find peace whereever you can...I love the motel idea. My prayers go out to Cory. I hope you find a way to still fully enjoy the new addition to your family, what is that saying about a new birth meaning HOPE.


New Member
Enjoy the peace and quiet while he's gone. Kick your feet up and relax!!!

Congrats on the new little one :smile:


Well-Known Member
OMG! You're right, Janet... a circus!

So sorry there were so many people in the room. That would have driven me nuts. (Not to mention I'd be embarrassed.)

Glad you got a motel room. Good idea!

Congrats on the new addition. I can just imagine Keyana's jealousy. At least you know that one part of the equation was normal.

Sooooo sorry about Cory. He cannot handle any stress and clearly does not react appropriately. (Well, emotionally, I mean. By vomiting, at least his body reacted appropriately.) I hope they can help him through this at the hospital and maybe come up with-a long term plan.

Mostly, I hope you are able to calm down. By sitting on the curb outside the hospital, and by getting a motel room, you are doing the right thing, taking care of yourself. Bravo!

And you know what? Babies in your family aren't born every day. And the AC doesn't go out every day. And Cory doesn't down your pills every day.

So it's GOT to get better.


Active Member
Congrats on the new grandchild, Janet.

As for Cory, doesn't he realise that his ex can use this sort of thing against him when it comes to access to Keyana? husband's cousin reacted to his wife throwing him out and stopping him from access to their son, by attempting suicide. Before that point he's been on strong ground to get shared custody but after that the court awarded full custody to the mother, which was exactly what she had wanted. We've never seen that little boy again. I think his father finally got some degree of access, but thanks to his frankly stupid behaviour, he lost a lot of opportunities.

And they were YOUR pills he took - is he going to replace them for you? He should at least be organising with doctors and pharmacists to replace your pills (and pay for them) even if he's not the one permitted to collect them.

I get my medication doled out a month's supply at a time (same regulations for anyone). If mine get lost or go missing, it's a big headache to sort out and if it's someone else's fault, THEY have to sort it.



Well-Known Member
Janet, Congatulations on the arrival of a new grandbaby! I think everyone is lucky you are so understanding. Jamies in-laws, the circus in the delivey room, Cory- It is hard having all that drama. The motel room idea is a good one. Hoping one day soon you can look back and laugh at this. Having said that, take comfort in the fact Cory's getting some help. -Alyssa


Active Member
Geez Janet.....Can't things for once be a little calm??

CONGRATULATIONS.....on the birth of the baby. I'm sure Jaime and Billie are just thrilled.

Nothing like inlaws and outlaws to round out a marriage!

Coryboy...OMG...why is it these guys let these wingnuts (thank's kfld) consume their lives and their thoughts?

Sending lots of cyber strength that everything works out ok.