Rest assured the guidance counselor wouldn't have recommended your easy child. She KNEW the kids she recommended (or didn't recommend - she was actually difficult child 1's counselor, as well, and notice he never got a job at her recommendation...). And we're talking before and after school and 18 year old kids who want jobs, not Friday and Saturday nights and 15 year old kids looking to party. (well, except for one Saturday night that I was desperate and paid one of the girls WAY TOO MUCH money to watch wee difficult child for 4 hours. lol)
All three of difficult child's "girls" stay in touch with him. Two are studying Special Education, the third started there and changed majors. He still thinks they hung the moon.
Comm college is a good idea, tho, too.
All three of difficult child's "girls" stay in touch with him. Two are studying Special Education, the third started there and changed majors. He still thinks they hung the moon.
Comm college is a good idea, tho, too.