lost and need help
New Member
I used to lurk here years and years ago when I first began to suspect there was something majorly wrong with my daughter. She is now 14 years old and her temper tantrums are still that of a 2 year old except now she punches, kicks, throws anything within reach, punches holes in walls, destroys property, punches me while driving, kicked out my windshield , suicidal, self-harming, disrespectful, truant, threatens to kill family members, etc.
History: I never even drank caffeine during my pregnancy with her, so no smoking, drugs, alcohol etc. I took very good care of my self during pregnancy with her except I was sick the whole 9 months. Very complicated delivery resulting in a short NICU stay. Very fussy as a baby, every time she was vaccinated she would scream high pitched screeching for about a month after and had poor eating. I brought this up to the pediatrician many times and was told it was normal. As a toddler she was diagnosis FTT due to poor eating and had swallow study and speech therapy but was told nothing wrong with her. She continued to eat puree until she was about 4 years old with the exception of certain things she liked such as candy/cookies/chips. I later found out she had a severe texture aversion and to this day has a very restrictive diet. Other sensory issues showed at this time, problems with clothing, tags, textures, noises and lights. Again, whenever I brought this up to professionals at the Dr.'s office or the school. I was told, "oh that's normal" or "kids are weird".
Around 8 years old bean self harming by hitting herself in the face and head and saying she's stupid and wants to die. She began counseling and has seen numerous counselors to date. She has had two short-term hospitilizations in the past year and has several diagnoses, depending on who you talk to. Depression, anxiety, mood dysregulation disorder, eating disorder, ODD, borderline traits, possibly bi-polar, and most recently Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
She is currently in the juvenile system and still refuses requests which she will most likely start getting in trouble for. The court ordered a neuro-psychiatric evaluation which is set up for the near future. So, she is very stubborn and defiant, she is on homebound for school and refuses to work with her teacher or work on her own. She barely leaves the house and only interacts with friends through the internet (of which she is banned frequently and for lenhths of time). She doesn't go into grocery stores or restaurants due to panic attacks and prefers to sit in the vehicle. She is chronically constipated since 2 years old and is frequently impacted and refuses to take her medicine (has been threatened by her dr. to be hospitalized because of the severity). She has also urinated in her clothes in school for fear of asking a teacher to use the bathroom (even though she had a pass to use the bathroom anytime because of her medical issues).
There is mental health and addiction issues with close and extended family members on both sides of the family, including her father who has mental health and addiction issues. She was also subject to his ranting and raving and emotional abuse of me for many years before I divorced him. Also, she has recently told me that he beat her on several occasions when he was "babysitting" her. She has not seen him in over a year but talks to him through text occasionally. Sometimes when she talks to him she screams for me upset and crying and begging me to make him stop or if she's mad at me she tells me her dad's right about me and what a big pile of
I am, so whichever suits her in the moment he is the devil or he is a saint.
At this point I feel like I just can't take it anymore. We live in a warzone, all prisoners to her moods. She changes on a dime, sees aggression towards her where none exists, hears sarcasm where none exists and she lashes out accordingly.Otherwise we are all subject to her constant rantings and circular conversations. She takes up the majority of the entire family's time and energy and I fear the damage it is doing to my other kids.
I have looked into Residential Treatment Center (RTC) but they're all prohibitively expensive. We are even willing to move somewhere to get resources for her. Please, if anyone has any ideas at all. Ideas for a treatment place, ideas on diagnosis that sounds close to their own child. Anything???
Thanks, sorry so long.
History: I never even drank caffeine during my pregnancy with her, so no smoking, drugs, alcohol etc. I took very good care of my self during pregnancy with her except I was sick the whole 9 months. Very complicated delivery resulting in a short NICU stay. Very fussy as a baby, every time she was vaccinated she would scream high pitched screeching for about a month after and had poor eating. I brought this up to the pediatrician many times and was told it was normal. As a toddler she was diagnosis FTT due to poor eating and had swallow study and speech therapy but was told nothing wrong with her. She continued to eat puree until she was about 4 years old with the exception of certain things she liked such as candy/cookies/chips. I later found out she had a severe texture aversion and to this day has a very restrictive diet. Other sensory issues showed at this time, problems with clothing, tags, textures, noises and lights. Again, whenever I brought this up to professionals at the Dr.'s office or the school. I was told, "oh that's normal" or "kids are weird".
Around 8 years old bean self harming by hitting herself in the face and head and saying she's stupid and wants to die. She began counseling and has seen numerous counselors to date. She has had two short-term hospitilizations in the past year and has several diagnoses, depending on who you talk to. Depression, anxiety, mood dysregulation disorder, eating disorder, ODD, borderline traits, possibly bi-polar, and most recently Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
She is currently in the juvenile system and still refuses requests which she will most likely start getting in trouble for. The court ordered a neuro-psychiatric evaluation which is set up for the near future. So, she is very stubborn and defiant, she is on homebound for school and refuses to work with her teacher or work on her own. She barely leaves the house and only interacts with friends through the internet (of which she is banned frequently and for lenhths of time). She doesn't go into grocery stores or restaurants due to panic attacks and prefers to sit in the vehicle. She is chronically constipated since 2 years old and is frequently impacted and refuses to take her medicine (has been threatened by her dr. to be hospitalized because of the severity). She has also urinated in her clothes in school for fear of asking a teacher to use the bathroom (even though she had a pass to use the bathroom anytime because of her medical issues).
There is mental health and addiction issues with close and extended family members on both sides of the family, including her father who has mental health and addiction issues. She was also subject to his ranting and raving and emotional abuse of me for many years before I divorced him. Also, she has recently told me that he beat her on several occasions when he was "babysitting" her. She has not seen him in over a year but talks to him through text occasionally. Sometimes when she talks to him she screams for me upset and crying and begging me to make him stop or if she's mad at me she tells me her dad's right about me and what a big pile of

At this point I feel like I just can't take it anymore. We live in a warzone, all prisoners to her moods. She changes on a dime, sees aggression towards her where none exists, hears sarcasm where none exists and she lashes out accordingly.Otherwise we are all subject to her constant rantings and circular conversations. She takes up the majority of the entire family's time and energy and I fear the damage it is doing to my other kids.
I have looked into Residential Treatment Center (RTC) but they're all prohibitively expensive. We are even willing to move somewhere to get resources for her. Please, if anyone has any ideas at all. Ideas for a treatment place, ideas on diagnosis that sounds close to their own child. Anything???
Thanks, sorry so long.