

Active Member
You just summed up very nicely why I do not want to go talk to the parents. I truly do believe the school will do something, I just have not heard what yet. I will call the principal Monday. If the school tries to resolve this and it does not work then I can/will involve the police. If difficult child did not have such a history of violence I may encourage him to stand up for himself, but I am so happy that he is chooosing to solve his problems differently this time.This is so huge for him.

difficult child's school is just elementary, it does not have a school resource officer. I think the high schools and maybe the middle schools have one, but I am not sure.

I will let you all know what I learn on Monday.


New Member
Crazy mama

check there is a resource officer usually for the whole district--they may not spend much time at the elementary, but I bet the middle school one is also assigned to the elementary school.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Good for difficult child talking to someone at school. I hope they deal with it quickly. I'm sorry he is being bullied. Gentle hugs.
For us the school can deal with behavior that occurs on the childs way to and from school. NOT just at bus stops and school grounds. I have reported students that were bullying a boy on my street. As I work there, I know the school followed up and there were consequences. My own son was also suspended for a fight that happened on the way home from school.

I would certainly contact the school. It's likely that they will care. We're not paid enough to do our jobs and not care. I'll grant you that some schools and people are more responsive and helpful than others. But it sure doesn't hurt to try. Even if they don't feel they can punish the bully they will probably discuss the problem with the children and the parents. They might be able to involve the social worker, etc.

I once had a problem with the father of a kid yelling obscene things at my son as they all walked home. I called the school about it and they spoke to the father. They let him know that even if I didn't do it they would call the police on my son's behalf. It stopped after that.

If the school doesn't help you I'd call the parents and then the police.

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