I can appreciate concerns for safety , a possible need for supervision and if need be , even before the age of 18 , finding a placement for a child so that the family is safe. The way to go to deal with issues is , even safety issues is not consequences . it is conventional wisdom that when it comes to safety , there should be zero tolerance but the evidence says something different
A task force of the American Psychological Association has recently concluded that zero-tolerance policies, which were intended to reduce violence and behavior problems in our schools, have instead achieved the opposite effect. A review of ten years of research found that these policies have not only failed to make schools safe or more effective in handling student behavior, but have actually increased behavior problems and dropout rates. Yet public elementary and secondary schools in the United States continue to dole out a whopping 110,000 expulsions and 3 million suspensions each year, along with countless tens of millions of detentions.
When I talk about problem solving other peoples issues from the outside , can Kanga take perspectives , can she empathize , can she identify the others concern , can she identify her own concerns and think of various alternatives and solutions , not just one. This in my humble opinion is how we teach empathy, perspective taking - this is how I feel about it , this is how i think you feel about it , when you can suggest a mutually satisfying solution for other people we are moving in the direction of the more emotive stuff . Mentors are so important , because the relationship is more democratic and there is no emotional baggage
A therapist would in my humble opinion be vital to help a family reach undertandings about expectations ands also have a process of reveiwing progress or even trying to come up with another plan.
Instead of asking how we can motivate kids to act differently we should be asking what is getting in their way so I can help .
For me , I have teenagers + , mentors were so important , the more I showed that I understood them , did not try to force a behavior , they were able to reflect on what type of person they wanted to be , what behavior would be beyond their dignity , their self respect.
A person with an anger problem is unlikely to be helped with threats or consequences , maybe medication can help to access the tools and skills we are teaching to help deal with frustration.
It is not easy.