Hi, I hope it's okay to reply to this even though it is on the second page of threads and there hasn't been any dialogue for a couple of days, but I feel such a connection to everything that you've written in this thread! it is like our difficult children are the same kid. Obviously there are some things going on in these boys' heads already and what seems like a trigger is really just the last drop in the bucket that sends them over the edge. ( one melt down at our house started because he didn't want his sister to wear purple.) Like you, I am naturally the source of all evil in his world, whatever it is, it's my fault. Like you, having the police come did not freak him out. The 1st time, after they left he announced that it was stupid that they came. The second time (Sat.) he was crying on the couch after they left and my parental instinct to soothe him kicked him. Turns out he was upset because I didn't get in trouble with the police and it wasn't fair that they didn't see that what I do is wrong. ( He had thrown all my tax documents around 5 hours into his melt down, and I, at the end of my rope, had yelled that I was going to kill him. Clearly hyperbole on my part, but not a very smart comment to address to someone with AS.) Like you, often once the blow up is done, he is all smiles and sunshine, as if nothing had occurred while I feel the effects sometimes still days afterwards. This is a really tough battle, isn't it?! My thoughts are with you.