carving name in sisters dresser


New Member
ok heres one, K just carved her name in her sisters dresser thats in another room on the way to the bathroom. She says it wasnt her but shes the oldest except the 16yr old who is at work, and the only one who can spell her name.. How do I handle this one??? Please i just need some advise..thanks all
Hand her some sandpaper, and tell her to sand down the mess she made. Even if you have to go back and fix it down the line, give her the consequence that fits the "crime".

Supervise her progress. Do not yell, but encourage her. It does not have to be perfect. It does not even have to be good. It just has to be something to deter her from doing it again. When she is done, tell her very matter-of-factly that she did a good job, and then, drop it. Don't bring it up again.

That's what i would do.


New Member
yeah i thought of that too. she wouldnt like it cuz it is smaller and her clothes would never fit.. think we are going to try the sanding 1st and see how that goes.. cuz then its her problem and not mine to move the dressers around.


Well-Known Member
yeah i thought of that too. she wouldnt like it cuz it is smaller and her clothes would never fit.. think we are going to try the sanding 1st and see how that goes.. cuz then its her problem and not mine to move the dressers around.

Then it'd be time to get rid of some clothes, too. I'd be chucking them out the window. That would get my Irish up.