Contact with Josh this week


Well-Known Member
If I were you, I would go to a Facebook page for homeless people in phoenix Arizona or a church group for phoenix Arizona and ask them for suggestions on where the homeless hangout in that area. I would then make a big picture of your son and take it with me with your phone number on it. I would plan to speak with many homeless people while there. Who knows…you may strike gold!
Hi everyone. This has been an interesting week.
After I read the above post from LMS, I took her up on her suggestion. I had never thought to do that. Anyway, I got on facebook Wednesday of this past week and searched for every FB group/agency dealing with homeless. I posted a picture of Josh taken back in November by a police officer and explained that we were looking for Josh and asked people to keep an eye out for him. I included contact information. Within a short span of time, I was inundated with many replies and suggestions from people there in Phoenix. Many offered comfort, suggestions, and prayers. Others were sure he looked familiar and mentioned where they thought they had seen Josh. On Friday, one of the responders messaged me to say she was going to take a photo and contact info over to one of the cooling stations, the main library, where people come to get out of the brutal heat in Phoenix. I thanked her for doing that. Several hours later, my phone rang. It was a lady at the cooling station, saying she had seen the photo of Josh and that he was there with her. I asked if I could speak to him. She initially put the phone on speaker, and my husband and I spoke to Josh. Silence. Then I heard her coaxing him to answer us. He asked if she could take the phone off of speaker and she did so. Then he came onto the phone.

This was the first time we had spoken to him in a year and a half. He was VERY reluctant to talk to us. We could tell he was most likely stoned. We pleaded with him over and over to let us come out there to talk with him. We asked to tell us where and when we could meet him to sit down and talk and try to figure out how to help him. He was very evasive and kept saying, "No, please don't do that. No, not now." He kept saying that it was useless because his life was s--t. He seemed to be very angry and hopeless. We kept saying that it's not too late; that we can help him, etc.

No use. He wouldn't listen. Finally, he said that he needed to give the phone back to the lady and that he "needed to go." Then he left.
It was very disappointing to get so close and yet not have the outcome we hoped for.

But, I can honestly say now that I have done everything I could have done to help him. I kept hoping that if we could find him and talk to him, that we would be able to convince him to let us come. At this point, I know he's ticked off by my posting on FB about him, and he obviously doesn't want help. Honestly, if we went to Phoenix and managed to track him down, I'm not sure he wouldn't just turn and run off. If you offer help to someone, or rather, plead with them to let you help them, and they refuse your help, what more can you do?

The next day, I updated my FB posts to let everyone know what had happened. I asked people to continue to pray and to keep Josh's face in their minds or on their phone, and if they see him, consider reaching out to him and encourage him to get help. I was overwhelmed with the amount of caring people I encountered through this.

Even though it didn't turn out the way I hoped, I have to say that there was definitely answered prayer in this. We got to talk to Josh, which was unpleasant but I'm still glad. I also now can say to myself that I have done ALL I can do. And finally, the response of people was a demonstration to me of God's love and care for us and for Josh. My husband thinks we need to continue to pray, of course, but step back and let him cool off about the FB posting and maybe get to a point where he wants help. I agree with that.

Just wanted everyone of you to know about what had occurred in our situation this week. Thanks for listening.


Well-Known Member
Oh, Beta. I am so, so glad you were able to speak to him. We don't know if this will plant a seed in his mind. I am blown away by the kindness and caring of all of the people. This can give you a kind of peace. Those people are not indifferent. To you or to Josh. There is love and hope in the world. And it is near Josh. I pray with all my heart that Josh feels less alone and less hopeless right now.

I am so very glad that you got what you needed so that you can find your own peace again.


Well-Known Member
I’m so glad this happened and that you were able to receive so much support and help Beta.

Your son now knows how much you love him and how much he’s been in your heart, mind and prayers this past year and a half.

Like Copa said, maybe this situation planted a seed in Josh’s mind…or heart.

I’m so glad you now know you have done all you can for the present time.
Yes…an answer to prayers.

Keep praying Beta. God listens. ❤️
Hugs, love and prayers for you and your Josh.

Fairy dust

Active Member
I am so happy you were able to connect. You have done everything, and I mean everything to help him. Now it’s time for you to rest and focus on your healing. Josh is responsible for his choices and will choose his path. I agree with Copa that a seed was planted. It’s up to him now to figure this out. Hugs to you! This is so hard!

Deni D

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
Staff member
Beta, you just never know when someone may come across him and be the one who encourages him the way needs to start to get help. You did a great thing by getting his information and situation out there. I'm praying an angle among the nice people in his vicinity is able to reach him.


Well-Known Member
Oh, Beta. I am so, so glad you were able to speak to him. We don't know if this will plant a seed in his mind. I am blown away by the kindness and caring of all of the people. This can give you a kind of peace. Those people are not indifferent. To you or to Josh. There is love and hope in the world. And it is near Josh. I pray with all my heart that Josh feels less alone and less hopeless right now.

I am so very glad that you got what you needed so that you can find your own peace again.
Yes, to all you said. I too was blown away, and I'm still getting FB messages. My heart hurts for him, but I do know that I've done all I can for the moment. Thank you Copa.


Well-Known Member
Beta, you just never know when someone may come across him and be the one who encourages him the way needs to start to get help. You did a great thing by getting his information and situation out there. I'm praying an angle among the nice people in his vicinity is able to reach him.
I agree. That's what I'm praying--that people will come across him and have an impact on him. And the idea to do this was LoveMySons. I had never thought to do it, and it was brilliant. It's amazing what FB can do to get the word out.