Thanks for the support. She is at midevil fair with her brother. The plan is to take her to the hospistal after her voice lesson. I will check in later or tomorrow. I am going to call hospitall, her psychiatrist etc. We went to Nami Parent to Parent last night and it was a huge support. They talked about sign of Bipolar: she has 80 %. Most of the peopel there, including one of the leaders are dealing with bipolar.
This is so hard you know how much I wanted to keep her home. She does refuse to adhere to treatment plans though. She insists she will run the streets with $150 this weekend and is doing dangerous/destructive stuff.She is constantly threatneng and blackmailing. She said she was goign to go sell durgs last night if we did not give her money. Keep me , my daughter, our family in your thoughts and if you are into it, prayers. Compassion