call 911
I had been asked recently in a PM by a lovely person if they felt they made a difference. Most certainly they do and have for quite as long as they have been here. It got me to thinking about how I have helped and - and I meant to tell her this, but forgot.
If anything that I say or have said over the years helped just one person then I am proud of what I have done here.
I thought since we have Detachment 101 - I would try to do something creative - this is what I got.
D eveloping & maining parenting skills that help you butt out
E - ngaging in healthy, stress-free activities that do not involve saving our children
T aking time to reflect, redirect, and restablish boundaries
A ppreciating our children for who they are not what they are not.
C aring for ourselves &our children and realizing that it can mean doing nothing
H ope
M ental health and recognizing its okay to talk about our problems & find solutions
E ntertain thoughts that it may never get better with our kids. Learning to deal with that.
N ever give up loving ourselves, our children, our families, our friends.
T ime something we cant rush or push to please our schedules and learning to wait.
S upport system find the best one you can and learn to lean on it.
1 I am only one person but I can make a difference
0 The number of people I will help if I dont ever offer assistance
1 The number of people I would hope to help by educating with my knowledge
If anything that I say or have said over the years helped just one person then I am proud of what I have done here.
I thought since we have Detachment 101 - I would try to do something creative - this is what I got.
D eveloping & maining parenting skills that help you butt out
E - ngaging in healthy, stress-free activities that do not involve saving our children
T aking time to reflect, redirect, and restablish boundaries
A ppreciating our children for who they are not what they are not.
C aring for ourselves &our children and realizing that it can mean doing nothing
H ope
M ental health and recognizing its okay to talk about our problems & find solutions
E ntertain thoughts that it may never get better with our kids. Learning to deal with that.
N ever give up loving ourselves, our children, our families, our friends.
T ime something we cant rush or push to please our schedules and learning to wait.
S upport system find the best one you can and learn to lean on it.
1 I am only one person but I can make a difference
0 The number of people I will help if I dont ever offer assistance
1 The number of people I would hope to help by educating with my knowledge