difficult child called this afternoon and asked of she could come over and talk and I said yes. When she got here she said she was very stressed out and spent the weekend crying and said she didn't know why she thought she could raise a baby. She asked about abortion and I told her to go to planned parenthood right now. She did that and was referred to a clinic. She is going to have an abortion on Friday. I know this is a very sensitive subject for many and I don't want to cause any kind of upset here, but it is a decision she came to on her own and the one she says makes the most sense to her in her current situation.
Friday easy child is moving into her apartment and the movers will be here at 8 am but either husband or I will be there with difficult child. Her best friend from school is going to be there too for support.
Friday easy child is moving into her apartment and the movers will be here at 8 am but either husband or I will be there with difficult child. Her best friend from school is going to be there too for support.