Sadly, Kathy, I think your assessment is right. There is no instant metamophisis. In fact,in my humble opinion, probably over fifty percent of those at her facility are playing either their families or taking advantage of the "free" safe environment. Yes, there are success stories but thirty days of intervention does not change years of unacceptable patterns of living.
I don't know what "level #1" indicates at her center. Obviously it is the first step, lol, but it likely means that she has not gotten into trouble and has attended the required meetings. All facilities (that I am aware of) have levels and with the attainment of each new level there is some easing of restrictions. Personally I am hugely wary of short programs that end with "completed twelve steps". I think it is a crock. In thirty days you may have learned the words of all twelve steps but it takes a long long time to work the steps and incorporate them into your life. That is why I think it is necessary to transition from the intake program to a structured subsequent program like a Sober House.
My example is the twelve commandments for those who are Christian. I learned the commandments when I was probably six or so. I always got an "A" in religion, lol. on the other hand it took years and years for me to understand the complexities of those twelve commandments and years more to utilize them in guiding my life choices. Obviously I had no issues to speak of...but learning words and practicing concepts are two hugely different steps. DDD