The others here are right. These "nice kids" are drug abusers. Just because they came from small towns is NO reason to think they are not drug users/dealers.
Remember: If you use, you deal. It is the only way to afford it.
I have a cousin who has lived in small towns all his life. Married a small town girl.
Her uncles are mobbed up. Her entire family deals and uses. When they were having a tough time financially, cousin's mother in law gave them baggies of pot and other drugs to help with the bills.
Small towns tend to be RAMPANT with drugs in many areas. Of course not all, but if these "Nice small town kids" are travelling with your drug abusing daughter, they are abusing too. There simply is no way around this truth, whatever sunshine they blow up your tushie.
Meet them AWAY from your home. Don't let ANY of them into your home or even on your property. If you have a car that is less nice looking than the other one, use that car.
Just don't let them in your home or property.
It is OK to need to see your daughter. It is also OK to protect yourself and your husband from your daughter and her friends.
difficult child may be a master at manipulating people, but the other kids problem are too. So who knows what stories they are telling themselves and each other to justify running away?
Gentle hugs, this is terribly, terribly hard to do.
Remember: If you use, you deal. It is the only way to afford it.
I have a cousin who has lived in small towns all his life. Married a small town girl.
Her uncles are mobbed up. Her entire family deals and uses. When they were having a tough time financially, cousin's mother in law gave them baggies of pot and other drugs to help with the bills.
Small towns tend to be RAMPANT with drugs in many areas. Of course not all, but if these "Nice small town kids" are travelling with your drug abusing daughter, they are abusing too. There simply is no way around this truth, whatever sunshine they blow up your tushie.
Meet them AWAY from your home. Don't let ANY of them into your home or even on your property. If you have a car that is less nice looking than the other one, use that car.
Just don't let them in your home or property.
It is OK to need to see your daughter. It is also OK to protect yourself and your husband from your daughter and her friends.
difficult child may be a master at manipulating people, but the other kids problem are too. So who knows what stories they are telling themselves and each other to justify running away?
Gentle hugs, this is terribly, terribly hard to do.