difficult child - in a desert with a horse with no name


Former desparate mom
Steely, been there done that but difficult child was 13yrs old. It was such a leap of faith that I can not even describe my nightmares.
My first priority is always safety. My son should not be harmed or worse than when he left my home.
Their philosophy was "do to get". It worked pretty well in stopping difficult child's downward spiral into the abyess of distorted thinking.
It isn't and never will be a cure but a controlled environment which allows teens to learn how to process problems and serious cause and effect. Lots of behavior modification plus the responsibility of animals is a good way to launch them into adult responsibility and independence.

Good luck. Watch and listen for physical and mental abuse but understand their set up before leaving. You don't want to claim surprise when they institute their consequences. Educate yourself and then let them do what they do. Don't micromanage. What you are doing isn't working and our kids need more than we are able to give them.

Hang in there and hugs.


Well-Known Member
Wishing you and difficult child all the good things. I hope that while difficult child is there that he will be honest with himself and that they will be able to break down the outer shell and get to the bottom of his problems. I hope that he will come back as a humbled, yet more confident young man with a better understanding of his emotions and the effects that his actions and words have on other people.


Steely, I'm glad you have taken this critical but scary step. It's important for both difficult child and for you. I hope it makes a huge difference in both of your lives. Sending many gentle hugs for your hurting mommy heart this morning.


New Member
You have my support; on KandiSue's New Here thread I summarized our 11 year old's first two weeks at a wilderness/bootcamp military school. He gets to come home each night though. And he's in a battle of wills with this school. He will NOT follow simple rules and has been carrying a milk carton of rocks back and forth for the last several days. And knowing he's going to get that as a consequence, he still annoys them.

It's almost better that you don't know what's going on. We hear about it at night. Good luck to you. It's wonderful that he's looking forward to it. That makes it more likely to succeed.
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Well-Known Member
Steely - how are you doing?

I am impressed with your strength. You are making a sacrifice for your child. We all do it, just in different ways depending on the child's needs. Whatever it takes, right?



Active Member
This sounds like a good thing for both of you. Sending prayers your way that this will send him into adulthood in the right direction.



Roll With It
Keeping you and difficult child in my thoughts and prayers. I know this is hard in many ways. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

He is a lucky young man to have a mom like you.