JFK, be prepared then to be in control of the situation.
You do not have to answer his phone calls or texts even if he does it 200 times a day. That is actually harassment and the police will stop it if you report it. Keep that phone on vibrate and maybe, if you can, decide not to respond to him or to get angry at him for doing what you KNOW he will do.
Make sure your locks are changed and if he comes by CALL THE POLICE. He is tresspassing onto your property. He doesn't live there anymore...no need to worry about eviction for you, thank God. As soon as you see him on your property, call the cops. Do not engage him in any screaming, yelling or even talking. He could hurt you.
Do not give him no for an answer. Don't answer him at all. After what he did, I can't imagine it would be too hard for you to not even listen to his demands. Don't talk. That fuels them. Act.
Do.not.allow.him.the.chance.to.destroy.you. It is your option NOT TO LET HIM. Do NOT let him spend even one night back home because of what happened with your father...he may say he lives there; cops may believe it; then you have eviction on your hands. Don't even let him in the house. He could steal from you, destroy things, or harm you.
Maybe get some friends to be a support system for you. If not, see a therapist to help you through this. This would be a great time to join a Narc-Anon group because you are afraid and you need others who are willing to give you extra support right now. I think, if you go, that will happen. Your story is so appalling. But I'm sure you are not the only person who had to take desperate measures to keep a dangerous adult child out of the house.
Maybe call the police BEFORE he comes to NJ, as you know he will, and ask about options or suggestions. They deal with this stuff all the time. They could help.
Bottom line: Resolve to not allow him to destroy you. Do not give him an inch. Do not engage him. Do not text him. Do not read his texts, if you can restrain yourself. He isn't going to tell you the truth about his plans for you.
Is it possible to go away for a while and stay with somebody else he wouldn't think of? Then you can tell the cops that you won't be home and nobody should be there...could they make extra trips past your hosue? Not a perfect solution. He could damage the house, but at least YOU would be safe.
Maybe it was good that you got the heads up on FB. That gives you a chance to get in contact with many people, change your locks, go to the cops in advance, go to Narc-Anon, see a therapist....just get your act together without further engaging him which will only throw gasoline on a burning blaze. YOU HAVE TIME! Don't go anywhere without carrying your cell phone. Try to bring a friend with you if you need to go out (I know this isn't easy).
Remember that Warrior Moms of the World (that's us) are on call 24/7, every single day of the year, even Christmas. We are also here if you need us.
"God grant us the SERENITY to accept the things you can not change,
the COURAGE to change the things you can,
and the WISDOM to know the difference."
Big hugs for your hurting heart and strong arms to help protect you.