I cried all the way there. More so for ME. I fought SO hard with difficult child and with the staff at school for SO many years. On my way to school, difficult child sent me a txt. "thank you mom for all you have done to get me through these past three years

." Then I cried harder.
The principal is the one who has dealt with difficult child since last fall when the new vice principal LIED to my face, threatened to call the police, and much more. The Principal took difficult child under her wing, and has truly been one of the reasons he made it. (I did have recent issues, but it is over now). difficult child will stand up on behalf of Principal even when I am not.
I made it to school, got a front seat, right behind the last row of students. I saw husband, and he sat with me. difficult child with last name starting with "S" was number 300. Due to where he sat, the kids were walking in front of me, so I snuck down to the aisle to get a picture. Before I was ready they called his name. I was not able to get the picture of him getting his diploma/certicate (yes a real one from middle school). But I have one of him walking away. Wasn't able to zoom, not enough time. But when they called his name, the students all cheered, called his name. Made me feel good. And YES, in the procession he looked for us, and smiled ear to ear when he saw both me and husband.
They had 7th grade orchestra play, then choir sing. Then after all were given out, they did a slide show of "Life at Lance". It lasted over 30 minutes. They must of had all 8th graders on one or more slides. Since he will be going to a smaller technical school, I purchased one so he can remember all the kids.
When we got home, he told me he wrote the principal an email. (wish I knew what it said). Also told me advice his favorite teacher told him....
Get involved in clubs in High School. So important on your College application. She also reminded him of the gift of intelligence he has. Many others work very hard to only achieve a C.
THEN...difficult child ASKED me if he can have a math tutor over the summer. He chose the Information Technology Career Track at the new High School. he wants to be ready to understand the ciriculum. Which is tough. since they sign them up for college classes, with college professors and earn college credits. Hope that thought stays with him and just wasn't a moments thought. he was so excited. I was so emotional. Just reliving the many, many struggles I went through.
On husband's behalf - He does do everything with difficult child. Anything difficult child wants he does. But has never attended a school meeting. has never dealt with teachers. Never got involved with school. But he does play ball, football, baseball, anything difficult child ever would ask. I am glad he came, and I am sure he saw that ear to ear smile. It was priceless.
At the moment I am at peace with no more school. nervous about what the future holds. You cannot imagine the relief I feel. But scared because I just cannot deal with the school issues I have dealt with since 5th grade.
It was wonderful. Absolutely wonderful to see him graduate, even if it is only from Middle School.
When I am up to it, when I am feeling a bit better, I will post in watercooler about the many, many other issues going on. This one about difficult child was a very big moment for ME. Nobody can understand the daily struggles, and I definately mean DAILY. I didn't know if I could make it.
Very proud of him. He had to put up with a lot.