difficult child, Medicaid and SSI


Going Green
Today was difficult child's psychiatric evaluation for his Medicaid application and I'm still giggling. The doctor he saw is one that hasn't seen him before so I was concerned about what he (doctor) would be able to glean from less than an hour.


I shouldn't have worried. :rofl:

difficult child had me go back with him which was good because there were a lot of questions on difficult child's background that he wasn't sure of or couldn't remember. So the doctor asked us both questions...got a brief but I think good idea of difficult child's childhood, looked through the three inch chart he had in front of him (which is only a partial version) and asked more questions. difficult child answered most of them whether they were directed towards him or not. :slap: Then the doctor asked to speak with me alone. difficult child was no sooner out the door when the doctor looked at me and said "He's really being manipulative and trying to paint you in a bad light, isn't he?"

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! :rofl:

Yep. Welcome to my world doctor!

Our private talk consisted of that statement, my chuckle and 2 questions from the doctor. Oh....and his statment to me stressing that difficult child continue to take his medications and that we should watch him SWALLOW them. (which we do) Then he announced that while he wasn't going to base his recommendation soley on that appointment (he would look deeper into difficult child's file and speak with a previous doctor) he didn't see any reason why he wouldn't recommend he get Medicaid. He is in obvious need of his current medications and there is no way he could afford them without Medicaid.

Sometimes the gfgness being right there in your face is a good thing!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Gaaa!!! Editing as I forgot an entire section that I wanted to put in the thread! LOL :slap:

During our private talk, the doctor also recommended that we NOT try to get disability for difficult child. His reasoning is that if a difficult child has $500 a month coming in, he won't have an incentive to work. I understand this and worry about it too with difficult child however.....I'm not entirely convinced that difficult child is really at a point where he can support himself without help.

On the one hand, difficult child needs to learn to do for himself instead of just expecting others to do for him. He REALLY needs to learn this.

On the other hand...even if he would get SSI, he wouldn't be rich. He would have enough to live on in a small apartment or with a roomie and MAYBE have enough left for a cheap car payment. Maybe. (And that's assuming he could get someone to sell him one on payments.)

What are your opinions on this?
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Well-Known Member
Miss KT works part-time...very part-time, makes about $100/mo. Because of her grandfather's foresight and love for his only grandchild, she has a trust that pays for her education, and she was able to petition the trust for a small allowance. Her grandmother now pays her $300/mo, what I was getting in child support.

That said...$400/mo is not enough to support herself, but it does make it easier on me because she isn't asking for gas money to get to school, or to church, or to work. She buys her own clothes, makeup, etc. And as long as she's doing what I want her to do (go to school, pass her classes, work part-time, behave like a civilized person), I want to do what I can, within reason, to help her succeed.


New Member
I agree with KTmom on this one. My son just got home from Residential Treatment Center (RTC) after 3 years and gets $600 a month on SSI. I also don't know about the job scene, but he is looking. I don't think he can, but if I'm lucky, he'll surprise me. But that will give your son money for his needs, in some ways.


Former desparate mom
Just remember that SSI can only be used for food, lodging and clothing. They can not have anything more than 2000.00 in assets in their name and if they pay you rent, it has to be 1/3 of the mortgage. (if there are 3 people in the home). I told SSI they couldn't pay difficult child enough to ever contribute 1/3 of the mortgage. He then said, "then he isn't really contributing"

The system isn't very workable for us but hopefully you won't have the same experience we had.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
I have to agree with the doctor. I'd have him try working and see how it works out for him before looking into SSI. We may be going that route with Travis eventually but are trying any alternatives we can think of first.

Got to be impressed with a difficult child shows their true colors when you actually need them to. lol :)


Hi, my difficult child will be 15 in May. His diagnosis is Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)/not otherwise specified & add primarily. My work health insurance (kaiser) , I believe, will cover him until his is 21 (disabled child) I'm wondering at what point do I start thinking about applying for SSI & medicaid (or just SSI if he is already covered under my insurance?) (i don' think he will graduate hs, hopefully he'll still go til he is 21 though).... TIA


Well-Known Member
MICHL...I would think about starting the application after he turns 18 if you think he is going to need the help. Sometimes it can take a while to get it.


Well-Known Member
I vote with the go for it members. That amount of money is not going to provide the extras that most people want and a part time minimum wage job will likely appeal to him for that reason. With the job market as it is and costs as high as they are I don't think you have to worry. DDD

PS: Isn't it wonderful when you meet a professional who's on the ball?