I just realized that you posted about the therapist asking you to have difficult child write his obit.
Tell her seh is WAY out of line!!! NO WAY should she be encouraging you to do anything with difficult child. NOTHING. And certainly not have you give him therapy!!!
What kind of bimbo is this therapist???? I TOTALLY cannot believe she knows the extent that you are enmeshed with him and for how many years it has gone on and she asked you to ask him to do that!!!!!
Please tell her that it is not acceptable for her to treat difficult child through you. IF she wants to treat difficult child she can go find him and she can pay for it herself!
You may be right about the 3 years, but probably not. Many addicts live like that for years and years, decades even. It is NOt a death sentence. difficult child is NOT ready for any therapy, and this idiot exercise could not even dent his desire for drugs. He is all powerful, especially when high. It is part of the high, the addiction.
Stay AWAY from difficult child. Do NOT speak to him. Every time you do you get drawn in. Do NOT let him in the house. Do NOT help him do odd jobs. Leave him the heck alone.
You have come so far, Susan!! Remember your other family members, the ones who do things RIGHT!! THEY deserve your attention. difficult child does NOT!!!
Don't slide back now!!! You can do it, get out of that quicksand!! Go hug your other son, give him the $$ you thought about giving your difficult child, and go back to the therapist and challenge her about why she thought it appropriate to have you therapize difficult child when YOU are the patient and you are fighting so hard to get out of being enmeshed with him. If she admits it was a mistake, OK. If she doesn't admit it was a mistake, FIND ANOTHER THERAPIST. A.S.A.P.