So Tired
slsh writes:
We cannot force treatment on our adult kids. We can't force safe environments, safe housing, safe employment. We cannot force education or hygiene or even legal behavior. Our hands are tied, regardless of whether we're guardians or not. We've tried to prepare them, we can continue to offer them resources, but we have to at some point start letting go and let them find their way. quote]
This was so well put by Sue and it is the basis of the feelings of frustration and helplessness we face when trying to help our difficult children.
Steely you absolutely did the right thing for you and for him! Who knows how things could have escalated? You did the right thing by staying calm and keeping a bad situation from getting worse. You are very brave. I hope I can be as strong in my decisions....
The others are right. Take some time to heal your spirit while you know he is safe and being cared for. Know that you are being thought of and cared about by all of us, and we are all sending healing thoughts your way.
We cannot force treatment on our adult kids. We can't force safe environments, safe housing, safe employment. We cannot force education or hygiene or even legal behavior. Our hands are tied, regardless of whether we're guardians or not. We've tried to prepare them, we can continue to offer them resources, but we have to at some point start letting go and let them find their way. quote]
This was so well put by Sue and it is the basis of the feelings of frustration and helplessness we face when trying to help our difficult children.
Steely you absolutely did the right thing for you and for him! Who knows how things could have escalated? You did the right thing by staying calm and keeping a bad situation from getting worse. You are very brave. I hope I can be as strong in my decisions....
The others are right. Take some time to heal your spirit while you know he is safe and being cared for. Know that you are being thought of and cared about by all of us, and we are all sending healing thoughts your way.