difficult child ultimate defiance like i've never seen


Active Member
Look after yourself in there, Jena.

Interesting about her "looks could kill" when you sat next to husband on the couch. It really as if somehow in her head, she has her own ideas and although you never gave her any hope in that direciton, it doesn't matter.

Is there a chance that at some stage in the past, exH said something she misconstrued? Or is this just fantasy stuff?

The possessiveness stuff I think is an important factor too. Again, I can't guess where that has come from, or even if there is an environmental factor at all. My sister went through this with her elder daughter who always sabotaged her sister as much as she could, out of possessiveness. We never could understand why, except perhaps that she was adopted at 7 months after a very rough start in life. I know 7 months is young, but even babies learn to fight for their place in the sun, and battles learned early are hard to stop fighting for.

Enjoy the ride!
