difficult child Wants A BB Gun


Roll With It
I do NOT think that anyone who flies off the handle so easily should have access to a weapon. I fought long and hard to keep my kids from having toy guns. Well, Wiz did have one. My dad traced the shape of a gun onto a board and cut it out and sanded it and painted it bright yellow. Wiz played with it the day he got it. Period. It wasn't "fun" because it didn't look like a gun. He used any and everything he could get his hands on from the age of 2 to make guns. Including cooked spaghetti. I am not joking. He had many of the little batman etc... action figures and the ONLY part he ever did anything with was the weapons, which he played with as though he were shooting them, not the action figure was.

Now?? He is terrified of them. Wants NOTHING to do with them. I am okay wth that. I grew up with guns. I stopped shooting because my gfgbro would get very violent after we had been to the range because I did better than he did. It was innate talent, NOT practice because as the girl I didn't go as often as he did. When the weather warms, he is going to teach gun safety to Tyler. I want the kids to have the NRA gun safety classes. NOT so much because I want them to own guns, but because there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many idiot gun owners who keep them in their cars or drawers or figure a trigger lock is an absolute guarantee that a kid can't use them or that refuse to lock them up or to put a trigger lock on them because if someone broke in then they wouldn't be able to 'protect' themselves. OK just had the open carry law go into effect and it is a PITA but it has brought gun safety back to open discussion again.

I don't think most difficult children should have access to weapons outside very supervised boundaries. Esp if they fly off the handle violently with no notice. Wiz did NOT get gun safety classes because there was less than no chance that he cuold have EVER kept himself from using one if he knew how to get to one when he got mad. HE would get that mad and out fo control. Jess shakes to much to be able to shoot but has had basic gun safety. We are super strict with the airsoft gun that we have. J and T each shot one round from it one time. It is very stiff and I cannot use it at all, and I don't even know if we still have it after the move. We only have it because my dad sent it over to use on the neighbor's dogs that bit thank you. Would scare them off but not hurt htem, was his reasoning.

I think most kids should have gun safety training, but not those wth violent tempers. I know a LOT of kids who are not scared off by shooting real weapons as it is a common thing in my area. But I loathe bb guns and toy guns because they look too real. Those are what end up causing HUGE problems because there is zero chance that anyone can tell from a distance if it is a real gun or a bb gun and given how well most kids listen, if a cop saw it they COULD only think one thing. And then people end up dead and it is a big mess. I dont' want that for kids, families or for the officers who have to live with the aftermath.

Marcie Mac

Just Plain Ole Tired
I never even let the boys have as much as squirt guns. Danny once went to a friends house and he had a BB gun which he let Danny shoot. Needless to say I had to pay for the neighbors window he shot out.

So not a good idea to let difficult child's play with any kind of guns



Well-Known Member
Keyana has a squirt zebra that she has played with in the bathtub since she was probably 2. LOL

We took her with us to Bass Pro Shop and she begged us for a pink 22. Maybe one day.