Do you remember when...?

Pink Elephant

Well-Known Member
Ladies I remember all those things. Watch who is calling who old. LOL.
The laundey mat evey Sunday with clothing for 12 people. Ugh!

We had a small home 10 kids mom and Dad. 4 bedrooms.

Glass baby bottles ouch. I remember babysitting for my sister and I slept in the room with the baby's crib. I often woke to her baby bottle braining me in the head after she pitched it.
Boy, the younger generation today has no idea how things used to be and what people had to go through on a regular basis to get by. An easy life it wasn't.

As a mom, I always referred to the 2 am waking-up call of a crying baby as being the "witching hour", and I remember waking to the witching hour when I used to share my room with a siblings in a crib. Running for a bottle, fetching a diaper from the stack, down with baby's rubber pants, out with the pins... fresh diaper applied, tug rubber pants back up and into place over freshly changed diaper, then back to bed.

ROFL, about getting clunked on the head with a glass baby bottle! I can safely say I never had that happen to me, but I did get a glass bottle in the nose, courtesy of one of my sons one day, and it hurt so bad my eyes watered.

Also remember being so tired that my body wouldn't allow me to fully wake to a crying sibling, and in mom would come with a cigarette dangling from her mouth. She'd flick the light switch on (think BRIGHT)... and go about addressing baby's needs. I think I hated being woken to a bright room light at 2 am, more than anything, but as a kid I was always able to roll over again when all was said and done, and I'd be out like a lamp.

Pink Elephant

Well-Known Member
I am still LMAO at sanitary napkin belts.

Doctors home visits

Dental care without novacaine (i bit a dentists finger when young)
I definitely remember sanitary belts, but we always used pins. The pads had a thin extension on each end, and once in place, a safety pin through the panties, catching the flap, then back out through the panties with the pin... latch, and you were good to go until the next changing.


Well-Known Member
How could I forget this high school classification list? At my school, you were either a freak (hippie), prep or greaser! There were unclassified people too. I was unclassified....i dressed like a "freak" with long hair parted in the middle and short skirts snd a fringe purse, but I never used drugs or hung out with them. I was not into playing sports or cheerleading so not a prep. And I didnt wear heavy make up or black leather jackets like a grease

What were your high school group classifications?


Well-Known Member
Wow! I feel like a youngster! :hapydancsmil: Pretty soon you ladies will be yelling at me to get off your lawn! :D

I do, actually remember a lot of those things, but more because we were poor and rural, not because of the age. I was firmly in the disco generation. LOL No greasers in my school - Just the poor kids and the "rich kids" and really, the rich kids weren't that rich. Joy of a small rural school was you knew everyone and had to hang out with them. Problem with a small rural school was you knew everyone and there was no one else to hang out with!

So I remember rotary phones on the wall, party lines, learning cursive, manual typewriters - and mimeograph machines! We did our school newspaper on one! Anyone remember that smell?

Do home perms smell better now? I haven't done one since the 1980's.

I remember clackers - but I never had any. I couldn't make a hula hoop stay up - even as a kid.

My mom owned a ringer washer and we hung clothes on a line - but that's because we were poor, not because of the year. We also only had a black and white TV until I was at least in high school...and we got 2 channels - CBS and NBC. ABC was on UHF, and our TV only went to channel 13.

I do remember Nixon resigning. I was 10 or 11. I remember that as the first time I saw something on TV and thought, "This is important. This is history."

I remember most families had a wooden spoon hanging outside their main bathroom door, and it wasn't used for stirring! LOL!

That's where Dad hung his belt!

Speaking of belts - I do remember sanitary belts. Granted, they were on the way out and there were already adhesive ones, but I liked them better because I wore those granny panties that got mentioned on another thread and they weren't as secure. Then again, I had the kind of periods that made you miss 3 days of school every month. Ugh! I remember when you had to get one from a machine, they were still that kind and came with safety pins!

And who can forget Lawn Darts!?

I LOVED Lawn Darts! I hated when they stopped selling them! I remember thinking, "Who is stupid enough to stand at both ends and throw darts at each other? This isn't rocket science!"

I got nailed in the head with one of those also ....older brothers ...idiots.

OHHHHHHH! :wellduh:
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Tanya M

Living with an attitude of gratitude
Staff member
Fun thread SWOT.

Diapers were cloth, not disposable! Remember how we used to dunk those dirty diapers up and down in the toilet to rinse them after a child went poop?
I remember doing this when babysitting.

One word... Sanitary belts. I guess that is two words. Oops!
Oh how I hated those things!!

I remember pay phones that were a dime

Our TV only got three channels. Every Sunday night we would watch Lawrence Welk.

We had a party line phone for a while. My sister and I would get in trouble for listening to our neighbor's conversations.

How about when you would buy a box of laundry soap and there was a towel in it.

S&H greenstamps.

Going to the gas station where an attendant not only filled up the car with gas but checked the oil and washed the windshield.

Going to the movies on Saturday afternoon for $50 cents. Our movie theater had an organ up front and a man played it until it was time for the cartoon before the movie.

A big treat was going to Woolworth's and getting a grilled cheese sandwich at the lunch counter.

Riding in the back seat of our old Buick that didn't have seat belts.

Having our milk delivered.


Well-Known Member
Lil, a lot of this is rich or poor, not age related although I am at least ten years your senior. But in Richer America, where we lived although not rich, we always had a washer and dryer, for example. I dont remember my mother ever hanging clothes on a laundry line nor anyone else in our neighborhood. My parents were middle class, my father a pharmacist and we didnt have to struggle, although my parents were very tight with a buck.

Spanking with a belt was probably going on in some homes, but I never saw belts or switches anywhere. I lived in a 95% Jewish neighborhood and dont think Jewish parents did that. Many spoiled kids around, although I wasnt. Some kids had all Marshall Field clothes and looked down at me and teased me because Mother sewed my clothes. After developing a big mouth and becoming very pretty, the kids stopped teasing me, but we never wanted to interact with one another. I dressed down protesting the rich kid's materialistic values. I still do.

The rich kids in my suburb had access to or nice cars. I got to drive a car, but couldnt call it a nice car. I remember kids laughing at me, calling me poor because my parents car was older.

Our richer kids, who really were rich, were the preps but also the worst drug using hippies. They had money for drugs. The poorer kids, who were more middle class thsn poor, were greasers. I disliked labels and cliques and did my own thing, staying very quiet. I never went to school functions, not even prom, although I was not short of boys who would have taken me.

Our school smoking lounge was inside where the kids could smoke!! I hated cigarette smell back then too and didnt like the smoke in the school. I cant believe they built a smoking lounge for brat on the pot front, many kids walked across the parking lot to the grassy hill to smoke weed. Yep, the boomers started all this.

There were fights sometimes between hippies and greasers and the greasers usually won. I would quietly be cheering for the greasers, slthough I didnt like them either.

The radical hippies ran the school, belittled teachers and our principal...i liked the greasers more than the radical hippies. They had causes and pulled the fire alarms in protest and interferred with all of our school life.

My graduating class had almost 900 kids. They dont call us babyboomers for nothing.

Anyhow, life in the 60s and 70s was way different in my wealthy suburb than in rural U.S.

I disliked my home town so badly that I totally distanced myself from it forever and am now part of semi rural America. I like if MUCH better.

Lil, i voted against Nixon as my very first vote. Long time ago. I was happy when he resigned.

I graduated in 1971.
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Well-Known Member
We're the same age @Tanya M but you must have lived in a bigger town - we didn't have a theater at all...or a Woolworths.

S&H greenstamps.

I remember these! These were how we bought Christmas gifts! I remember getting the greenstamp catalogue and picking stuff out. I remember pasting them in too...Mom would soak a sponge and put it in a saucer and we'd press the stamps down on it to wet them, because otherwise you'd eventually get sick from the glue taste! I loved the greenstamp store.

Going to the gas station where an attendant not only filled up the car with gas but checked the oil and washed the windshield.

I miss full-service. :( There was a full-service station in this town until about 10 years ago.

Riding in the back seat of our old Buick that didn't have seat belts.

Heck, the back seat? I remember riding in the rear WINDOW! We'd lay up in there - or in the back of station wagons, seats or not! We also rode in the back of pickup trucks - or in the middle of the front seat, on mom's lap or straddling the shifter. We rode bikes on gravel - in shorts, and there was no such thing as pads and helmets. We drank out of garden hoses. We played outside for hours without a parent in sight!

How did we survive? LOL


Well-Known Member
Our smoking lounge was inside where thenkids could smoke!! I hated cigarette smell back then too and didnt like the smoke in the school. I cant believe they built a smoking lounge for brat

Funny thing is, we weren't allowed to smoke on the school grounds in high school, but we'd go to the phone booth at the end of the sidewalk and hide, or even in the Ladies Room. I don't remember what the rule was in college, because I didn't smoke then.

But in Law School - from 1985 to 1988 - it was allowed. Smoking was allowed in the main lounge and hallways and really everywhere except the library and classrooms. The year after I graduated they opened a new Law School building (I was literally the last person to graduate from the old building) and my boss sent me there to use their library one day. I asked for the smoking area. It was a single hard bench and an ashtray in the basement stairwell. I was so insulted! LOL!

Of course can't even smoke sitting in your car in a parking lot on that campus.

Tanya M

Living with an attitude of gratitude
Staff member
but you must have lived in a bigger town
LOL, not even close. The town I grew up in had a population of 3000, however we were considered "the city" in the valley I grew up in, many smaller towns surrounded us. We only had one stop light in the middle of town.


Shooting from the Hip
All of these are making me laugh, because I remember many but not all.

I had a doll who was as big as I was and "peed" if you fed her water, and when she lay down her eyes closed. Rose has some of her clothes, which I think were the equivalent of 2T or smaller. I was a very small child.

I loved the clackers my grandparents had! I have them somewhere.

Colored sand trapped in between 2 pieces of plastic and used as a toy.

Tupperware parties.

Orange juice cans as curlers.

No cable TV... And what we had, maybe 3 channels, went off at 10 PM.

Cartoons were only on Saturday morning.

I learned how to use a record player very early, and handle the records carefully.

We used a cassette to record my voice as a child for my grandparents because phone calls were too expensive.

Lawn darts & hula hoops - YES!!!

Spending HOURS wandering around unsupervised, and I lived in a border town... (Interesting note, the summer before we moved to the Midwest, there were literally a couple dozen girls my age kidnapped and later found dead - my parents do not remember this and neither do I!)


Roll With It
I am a little younger, but when they talked to us about periods in sixth grade, in the very early 80s, the nuns told us we would need belts to attach our sanitary pads to. We could not figure out what they were talking about. I don't even think you could buy them in stores at that time. But they somehow managed to give every girl a belt and a package of six pads to hook onto it for your first period. I don't know a single girl who tried it. I know one girl who's little brother made the belt into a slingshot. He took it to school. it was a big deal.

In my high school you could have your gun in your car as long as it was in your gun rack. We have a lot of farm kids. Sometimes they have to shoot snakes to protect the herds or themselves. They only changed the rule after Columbine happened.

I remember those plastic lemons on black plastic things you put on your ankles and hopped over. I have no idea what they were called. I loved mine mostly because it drove my brother crazy. He couldn't figure out why I wanted to do that, what I was accomplishing.

I also remember hopscotch. No one plays that any more. My house was the cool house because my dad painted a hopscotch board on the driveway in the front yard. We often came home to find kids playing hopscotch in our driveway without us. Or woke up to it if we slept late in the summer.

What about Four Square? We also played a lot of that. My dad painted that on the driveway too. Another thing we would find kids playing without us if we were not around. It never bothered us.


Well-Known Member
I remember those plastic lemons on black plastic things you put on your ankles and hopped over. I have no idea what they were called.


I was about as good as that as I was at hula hoops. lol

In my high school you could have your gun in your car as long as it was in your gun rack.

Us too. No idea when that changed...or if it has. Might not as far as I know. Heck, I remember doing a play where we used a REAL revolver with blanks...and once a kid came to school dressed as a cowboy - Halloween maybe? - with a revolver in a holster at his hip. Principal checked to make sure it was unloaded and gave it back. Kinda crazy to think about now.


Well-Known Member
Wow. I remember lots of these things.

Keds sneakers that you kept white by using white shoe polish.

Snapping green beans while sitting on the back steps.

Girls couldn't wear pants to school.

Three - maybe four - channels on TV, and the stations played the Star Spangled Banner at signoff, and then put up a test pattern till programming resumed in the morning.

Good TV. Medical Center; Marcus Welby, MD; Dragnet; Emergency!; Owen Marshall, Attorney at Law; stuff like that, with an actual storyline.

When color TV became available, and the TV Guide put a little C by those programs that were in color.

The cool candies my grandparents carried at their Ben Franklin, in a little tiny town outside of Redding.

Department stores that sold just about everything.

Gas below a dollar a gallon. And if you bought more than 8 gallons, you got a set of glasses or a toy truck or something equally interesting.

Embroidering dish towels. I didn't do this, but my Nana and mom did.

Pink Elephant

Well-Known Member
How could I forget this high school classification list? At my school, you were either a freak (hippie), prep or greaser! There were unclassified people too. I was unclassified....i dressed like a "freak" with long hair parted in the middle and short skirts snd a fringe purse, but I never used drugs or hung out with them. I was not into playing sports or cheerleading so not a prep. And I didnt wear heavy make up or black leather jackets like a grease

What were your high school group classifications?
And jocks!