Esther…Happy Birthday and how are you?


Well-Known Member
I hope your day is extra special and that you are being treated like a queen by your family because you deserve it!

How have you been? How is Oriel and your grandson that got injured in the war doing?

As you can see, I’ve been very active on the Board lately. It’s help me tremendously. I love this place still even after all these years.
Do you remember our early years with people like Fran, DDD, Antsmom, Star, DammitJanet etc? Boy those were some good times. 😊

We’re survivors huh.
Hope all is well. Love you. Post when you can.
Always your friend,


Well-Known Member
Tammy, you are the greatest! Yes, I am more in touch with you than with any of the other older board members, although I am still in touch with "Marge" and "Marge's Man," ever since I met them both times I was in Australia visiting Oriel. But I do remember that wonderful time we had at Fran's beautiful home in Texas and how hospitable and welcoming she was to me, and to all who came there, which was of course YOU, and Susiestar, and Coookie who specially came and spent and extra couple of days with us.

I've had a lovely birthday. (Mind you, I am so old and it is sometimes depressing. I am now 79!) My husband took me out for supper. One of my daughters who lives in the north of the country sent me a beautiful orchid. And Oriel turned up this evening with a new girlfriend who seems really nice, and they brought me this amazing balloon with a basket hanging from it filled with goodies, and a beautiful message to me printed on the balloon. Oriel is working these days, and seems to be holding down the job which is so encouraging. He supervises the workers at a building site, and he's going on a course to get some sort of qualification, a good recognised course run by the Ministry of Labour here in Israel. It's about security on building sites, and other subjects that I don't remember. Let's hope he will do it until the end -- it is one day a week for a whole year and it is very expensive but we will help him. He can pay us back when he finishes and will be able to get a really good job. He has been clean for almost five years now and I don't want to tempt fate by talking about it too much, but we pray that he will stay clean. He has been so lucky, he is in good contact with two older people who have both been clean for 20 years or more and they are friends with him so hopefully he is following their example.

Tammy, you never told us if you did well and if you became a millionaire at the Casino!!! I do so hope you did.

You are right, we are survivors. I've almost forgotten how awful that encopresis was for all those years. But then today I saw an article about an 11-year-old girl in England who was sent home from the emergency ward of the local hospital with constipation, and they found her dead the next morning. And we all know that one of the basis causes of encopresis is constipation. Oriel does not allow me to mention the topic, but both he and I once talked about it a few years ago and discussed the dangers of constipation. It really is a condition that should be taken very seriously. I sometimes have toyed with the idea of writing a short book about our experiences with encopresis and where and how I got information and encouragement. But I wouldn't dare do that to Oriel, to publicize his fight with encopresis, especially now that he seems to be coping better. I have printed out so much material over the years of the email group that I joined which dealt with encopresis, and then of course this wonderful board. I suppose in the end I will throw all those piles of paper away. I do like to think that over the years I also was able to help and encourage a few people here.

Anyway, I've written too much, and it is now after 1 in the morning so I will go to bed. Thank you for your birthday message. You know how much I love you. I send you a big hug.

Love, Esther


Well-Known Member
Hi Esther! I’m so glad to hear your birthday has been a happy one. How nice of your husband to take you out to dinner and for one of your daughters to send you a beautiful flower! I’m glad Oriel showed up too with something special for his mama.
I’m also glad to hear he is doing so well. I’m definitely out here rooting for him!
Yes…he has come a long way from those dark days of the past. So have you Esther.
I can only imagine what it was like for you when he was young. And then to face addiction troubles in his later years. You got a double whammy!
But you survived. Just like I did. G-d is good to the brokenhearted who look to Him.

79 huh? I hope I live to be your age. Amazing! Just keep doing whatever you’re doing because it seems to be working!

I didn’t win a Million dollars on Sunday lol (per Facebook post). But I did have fun trying. I’m going back tonight and Thursday night I am meeting a woman at the casino who I met on Facebook a few days ago. She and I seem to have a lot in common. We’ll see how it goes.

You take care of yourself and your lovely family.
Love always,


Well-Known Member
Tammy, you are so special, I love everything about you.

Next time, I hope you win a million dollars. I also do the lottery at least once a week, and at least I gain some good dreams!!! I never win, of course.

Love, Esther


Well-Known Member
Esther…one time I went to the casino with $200. It was a 3 day casino trip. I lost all my money in the first few hours.
But then suddenly I remembered I still had $10 in promo credits on my players club card.
I downloaded the $10 into a machine. I played a little on 40 cent bets and won 40 dollars! Then…I made a decision that changed everything. I made some $2 dollar bets. Do you know I got into the bonus round and the grand dropped down!!!
I had just won 11 THOUSAND DOLLARS!!! 💸

Now that was a fun time and a great story. I brought home 8 thousand for my husband. He was very happy!

Anything’s possible when you gamble lol
Plus…I Love surprises!

Love you Esther,
Ps…I gamble with a budget my husband gives me so I don’t get out of control. Gambling can also be very dangerous and hard core gamblers have a higher rate of suicide.


Well-Known Member
LMS, what a gorgeous story. And your way of coping with not getting out of control is so sensible. I am impressed with your ability to find solutions together with your husband. What a wonderful win!!!

Love, Esther