scent of cedar
New Member
we often discussed judgment and the place that had in the world of mental illness and substance abuse.
"the great way is open to those who have no preferences."
Much like the 'maybe yes, maybe no' of the Sufi story............I ask myself, how real are my judgments, my preferences, my assessments, my evaluations?
So much of it is learned, taught,........
Like that bumper sticker says, "don't believe everything you think."
My difficult child broke all of that down for me..........I've had to change much of my own thinking and look at her with different eyes.
Eyes not glazed over by my fear and judgment, angers and disappointments, sorrow and you so aptly stated, oy fricken vey............
There is another quote, by Rumi--
"out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field
I'll meet you there."
Perhaps that's the field where we will meet our daughters,.......... someday.
Recovering? I agree. I don't understand it, and I don't know how to cope or respond to so much of what is happening to us...but we are not the only ones wondering about the blinding brightness beneath the pain, about the strange incidences of serendipity and synchronicity, about the shocking outcomes that turn out to be something else and take us in another direction, altogether.
Here is an interesting thing. A little over a year ago, when the school year was over, difficult child shaved her head for the summer. This was something she had talked about doing for awhile. She wanted to know who she was, what the world would be like, if she were not conventionally attractive, if she was no longer presenting herself as a woman-representative of established values. Having just seen her again, I understand that, wherever this journey has taken her...she went there fully engaged. She seems less the helpless victim of some "serious and pervasive" mental illness than a woman (...courageously?) exploring the validity of her own value system.
I was talking to her about the (now jailed) bad man. I heard myself saying things like, "No, we will never meet him. We want someone who can provide for you, someone kind, generous, bright, well-spoken. Someone with money, and a future. Someone like the person you were engaged to before all this happened." Her response was that this man gave her those things and more. That he gives her the time ~ and the opportunity ~ to catch sight of the sun breaking over the horizon, of surviving homeless in winter, of interacting with people who have only themselves and each other. Drunk, drug-addled, the street community thrives just under the radar, loyal to, and sharing what they have with, one another in a way those of us living "normal" lives never experience.
So, we wound up our little talk with me making the brilliant observation that a man with enough money would have his own plane, and could show her those things from a higher social strata.
Let's just say that by that time? Even I understood I wasn't batting a thousand. But I went down with banners flying.
Which brings me to your comments on judgment, judging, and mental illness, Recovering. I am a huge fan of Book TV. They interviewed a therapist a few weeks back, who has written a book about the futility of defining the nature of another person's manner of making sense of the world through the DSM I, II, or III. (?) (That cluster of diagnostic materials with which psychiatrists determine what mental illness they are looking at, and how to treat, and to charge for, it.) The therapist related allowing his patients to help him choose which illness they felt best represented their symptoms from the list of diagnostic criteria the therapist was using to charge the insurance company for the treatment he was supposedly giving the patients. It was the therapist's contention that what happens in successful therapy cannot be quantified or even, identified. The therapist went on to say that, given that psychiatric diagnoses are a seat of the pants thing, the medications prescribed are pretty much hit and miss, too. That the medications themselves are often responsible for creating problems as bad or worse than those they are prescribed to address. He raised the question, too, of heightened perception in those who are labeled mentally ill. And he too, wondered whether reality was real. And if so...whose?
In a way, it's like that story about one person whispering to the next the story he has just been told. By the time the story reaches the end of the table, it's barely recognizable. Yet, each person who passed that story on believed he was, pretty much, telling the truth.
While the therapist did not address this, I know that the Russian people once believed that mentally ill people had been touched by God; that they were seeing, from a changed perspective, a world as real as our own. (That could be where the term "touched" came from, I suppose.) Rasputin was believed to be such a one. And, oddly enough...he could do the darndest things.
It was an interesting presentation. If anyone would like to try to find it, go to the Book TV site. I don't remember the therapist's name, and have misplaced the paper I wrote his information down on.
Another interesting thing regarding our perceptions, and the judgments we then make, based on what we think we have seen, is this: I read somewhere once that mind altering drugs produce their effects by messing with our perceptions of time. Solely by messing with our perceptions of time....
Here is another thing. Bees see differently, see another band of color, than we do because they have the perceptors to see in the ultraviolet range. So, that other dimension of color has always been there. We just never had a clue. What else do we not know we are missing?
Two more things, Recovering. There is a theory out there that everything we think we know about physics may be all wrong. No matter how they try, no unifying theory of why everything works the way it does can be found. I will find the site and post it for you here. The essence of what one group of physicists is saying these days is that everything is electric ~ including us. That nothing came from a Big Bang and is being burnt up and destroyed, but that all things are interconnected and powered by the mysterious, totally un-understood, thing we call electricity. ALL things. It has to do with magnetic fields and gravity and time too, and I don't understand the physics of it, of course. Interesting to think about, though. Especially when we remember how certain every generation has been that their truths are "right." The Earth is the center, the world is flat, animals, slaves, and females have no souls.... My Tai Chi instructor was a physicist. I asked him to review that site? He said they were full of it. (Ha!) Nonetheless, interesting to wonder about....
And here is the last thing that first comment I quoted from your post had me wondering about, Recovering. You know I have been reading the Joel Osteen materials. Well, this is a loose translation of what he has to say about us in the world: There is nothing you have to "do" right. Within you are the seeds of who you were meant to be and what you are here to do. Follow your curiosity, nurture your dreams, do your best. Be kind. Love yourself. You are more than you know. Believe it. Everything has to do with how we see the world, and ourselves, in the world.
How strange is that?!? Essentially, repeating the messages of Christ and Buddha and Confucious and the Dalai Lama and....
Add to that the true fact that, before we can victimize anything or anyone, we have to dehumanize it, we have to make it "other," first. That would be Holocaust, animals, indigenous cultures...war, in all its manifestations. Fights with the neighbors.
I'm just sayin'.
And then, if we see what is being done to our capacity to perceive by the "culture of scarcity" addressed in the Brene Brown materials....
How cool is all that, Recovering?!?
I love the Rumi quote, Recovering. On my best days, I do feel that way ~ not only that I will meet her, and all of us, there in that place, but that we are doing something together, creating...something; that we have been there before and will be, again. Flash of recognition, and on we go, again and again and again.
But most days, I just see with my human eyes. Then, I am so glad for this site, and for all of us here, struggling to make sense of things we know so little about. I feel the courage in us, though. Sometimes, when the matriarchs post, I can feel that sense of stability, of wisdom and love and not so much surprise at the bad things that happen ~ like a faith in the ultimate rightness of things, whatever the outcome. It just kind of comes through, between the lines.
How interesting, that we should all be able to touch one another as we have, through coming together here, raw and open and in pain.
(And anonymous, the more practical Cedar reminds the dreamer. :O)
So, no matter how bad things look for us, individually or in the world...I am sometimes able to believe, because this site exists, and because of so many other things too, that "all will be well, and all manner of things will be well."
Thank you, Recovering, for risking. I got to be more real than usual for a little while this morning, too.
Here you go.
"You have been educated in judgment, which is the essence of worship. Judgment always occurs in the past. It is past-thinking. Will, free or otherwise, is concerned with the future. Thinking is the performance of the moment, out of which you use your judgment to modulate will. You are a convection center through which past prepares future.
It is a balancing act."
The Jesus Incident
The Universe responds to our intentions. Our thoughts and beliefs go out like prayers into the world.
I don't know where I got that one.
She was directly aware of the passage of History gently flowing through her in a mighty current, and of her own life welling like a wave in the flow of a vast tide.
Perhaps, the phoenix cries, as it burns.
Charles Williams
Descent Into Hell
A bird cried jubilation. In that moment, they lived long. All minor motions were stilled, and only the great ones were perceived. Beneath them the Earth turned, singing.
Sheri S Tepper
the Revenants
I live and love in God's peculiar light.
Do no harm.
But take no ****.
"Do you think the mystery of Love is only between those who like one another?" Sybil said. "Darling, you're part of the mystery, and you'll be sent to do mysterious things."
Charles Williams
The Greater Trumps
Sybil remembered the crucifixions of her past, and by each of them, where she herself hung and screamed and writhed, she saw the golden halo and the hands of the Fool holding and easing her, and heard his voice murmuring peace.
Charles Williams
The Greater Trumps
And between our eyes and hands and mouths there now flows a constant stream of tenderness, a stream in which all petty desires seems to have been extinguished. All that matters now is to be kind to one another with all the goodness that is in us.
And every encounter is also a farewell.
Etty Hilesum
The Diaries of Etty Hilesum