"Okay," Cedar said. "Time to get back to me."
So. Book Club last night. The daughter of the hostess was home. About 24. Ballet classes since she was a little girl, like my daughter. This young woman was beautiful, talented, accomplished, charming. The hostess has two other children, boys; equally productive and talented and successful. And to see the stability and the cleanliness and oh, I don't know ~ the sense of legitimacy of the mother role for this woman I have known for something like fifteen or eighteen years just hit me so hard. I realize I am especially raw from the intensity of the FOO trip. But all at once, I could see all the good things D H and I do not have now, and certainly did not have when our kids were that age.
And never, ever had when our kids were adolescents and every single thing fell apart. And I am really angry about that, and about all the things we did get instead, and just about how awful this all has been.
Just awful.
I have been thinking about the pain of it, and how that has changed
D H and I. It just sends me around the bend to remember how strong and beautiful and graceful this daughter is. The mom was such a good, strong, committed mother. She is very serious, very self contained. She worked full time, so that wasn't it. Everything was so clean and beautiful and the dessert was delicious and I couldn't sleep a wink last night because I am...something. Jealous? No, I don't think so. I am angry, that's what I am. Everything is so twisted for us, so freaking ugly. I don't know what to do with the feelings. Part of it is the FOO therapy. When I lost the belief that I was responsible for doing my part in pulling FOO together, when I saw FOO through changed lenses in which they were the villain and I was, after all, the victim of nothing that mattered in the least but hurt like the dickens (I was going to say like a son of a biatch but I am feeling tacky enough already this morning without adding profanity to the mix).
Where was I going with this.
Okay, so the changed perspective re: FOO changed everything. All at once, I am really, really angry or disgusted or something at my kids and at myself. It is a "should" thing, again. I should have been a stronger mom. I should have been
Oh for heaven's sake I don't know! Of course there had to have been intense deficits in my parenting abilities that I could not even see. Of course that is true...but, this? Part of it is that I am angry at myself. I should have seen all this sooner and done something different sooner and maybe there was nothing I could have done.
But maybe there was.
If I'd been stronger, more certain, more self contained....
And there has been so much loss.
Lost pride, lost dignity, lost relationships to my own kids and to my grands in that good way of strong family. Lost potential, lost money and time
and there has been so much ugliness I just want to sit here and sputter bad words forever.
Like that's going to change anything.
I can remember when I thought, when I was so sure, that would be me with my own daughter, so beautiful and graceful and strong.
Thank heaven one of the woman's sons were not there or I might have lost it entirely
and her children will marry such nice people and that was part of it too and I am so flabbergasted and angry and mad.
string of bad words ~ really, really bad words
You know what part of it was is that her table was set so beautifully and the china was beautiful and unique and...the table cloth was the most beautiful white linen
just like the one in my fantasy of family dinner.
So, maybe I am jealous, after all.
Oh, what a terrible day.
And I mean I know this is nothing compared to what Copa or Belle are going through. But. But it just seems like D H and I have been so focused on keeping this leaky rowboat afloat when everyone else cruised past on ocean liners they were piloting so masterfully with daughter ballerinas at the front like living figureheads and I just got that. We have been so focused on standing up and getting through it and being told terrible things by our children and somehow living through terrible, terrible things without even daring to believe anymore that somehow we can pull this one out of the fire.
That's the hurt of it.
I should not be making comparisons. I would not like someone to do that to me and I would never want to hurt my daughter in any way, ever. So, that will be a deep sixed secret, about the comparison that flashed up before I could help it because I had no clue, no clue at all, that it was coming. I will be able to tuck everything back in but oh, man, I am all in an uproar today.
Usually I can be in that place where I can be happy for friends whose families are okay. (That place where I can manage resentment, then. That must be what I mean.) So, this is resentment and anger. Better to have it out in the open. In a way, these are the feelings we have been working for in our FOO therapy.
Genuine ones instead of high road ones.
But the loss of it was like a punch in the stomach. So, I got up finally at 4:30 and ate melon and cottage cheese and a mango. Then, I had eggs and bacon with D H even though I wasn't one bit hungry.
Then, I finished the mango.
For heaven's sake.
And I feel like such a terrible poop, to be thinking this way.
But I am thinking this way.
All I can do is what I always do. Put things together as best I can do it. But you know, I feel like just driving away.
Just drive.
Anywhere but here.
And part of it is the whole detachment thing and the what ifs (for heaven's sake, it couldn't be any worse than what has happened).
And get it that that mom's daughter ~ I get it, that my daughter is coping with something very hard. If I had acknowledged the truth of it sooner instead of
instead of being cowardly and insisting on that family dinner I am always posting about then maybe this would not have happened just as it has. But here is the thing: What happened to us did happen and cannot be undone. I can be strong, now. I can try so hard to see everything clearly, now.
Blame isn't going to help any of us.
It just is what it is.
Given the unbelievable rotten things that have happened and happened, we have come through it without (well, actually, we have come through it in such bad shape I could cry and be ashamed).
This really did happen to us.
We really did lose all those good things.
Whatever we have instead, it is not okay. It twisted us in terrible ways. So, back to the naming of things for what they really are. Back to the drawing board to learn how to see it all differently.
I can do that.
Did you know that Joseph Kennedy had his daughter lobotomized without telling her own mother he was going to do so? The surgery was a disaster. That is what happened to that Kennedy daughter.
But they came through it, and created Special Olympics because of it.
No one has been lobotomized in my family. New medications may be developed. A thousand good, strengthening things could happen next.
I need to stand up.
I am feeling better.
None of those good things might happen. Nonetheless, this is my family and it matters what I think, how I think, about them and about me.
But just for today?
I am feeling badly.
And I don't care if it's selfish and shallow and self pitying.
Well, okay. Not the self pitying part. This really has sucked so bad.
On the brighter side of this terrible day, FOO therapy truly has worked in changing my belief that I somehow deserve any of this, from FOO to what happened to my children.
So that is the plan: Name what has happened. Learn how to face what has happened correctly.
"Let me win. If I cannot win, let me be brave."
That was Timothy Shriver. Head of Special Olympics.