It's okay to be worried about him. You are after all, his Mom.
I can tell you from experience that it is a waste of your time to try to talk to ANY of the nurses in prison. Here's why -
The drugs that prisoners are given in prison are paid for by the state. The state will NOT give anything that is not on their "paid prescription" list. It's a perpetual quagmire because with inmates who have say schizophrenia - the medicine that will actually help a lot of them isn't on the list so.....they get something generic that really does not help. Which in turn keeps their behavior out of control, which in turn keeps them in prison.
In your son's case - I want you to think back to before your husband bailed him out. He had not been on any drugs, he was of a fairly good mind and thought process, no alcohol to mask his behaviors. And when he talked to you and husband what did he tell you that made so much sense that made your husband go get him? He was going to the ministry rehab place. He wanted to get better. He couldn't stand to be in jail and would do whatever to get out. And...he got out.
Now, HOW LONG was it after he got out that he had a supposed panic attack? We know this was a drug seeking behavior. Then he thought he twisted his leg - again a drug seeking behavior. This time for pain pills. First time for something to "calm" him.
Then he started hanging out with all the people he told you and husband he would NOT be contacting. Then in a matter of days, not weeks, but days - he really didn't want to do the rehab thing for whatever reason. And I can understand the employment thing but how long did it take him to disrupt YOUR house? And you live there, husband lives there and your other son lives there. THIS is the only place that YOU, your husband and your younger son have to live -
Your older son, had a choice - to abide by YOUR rules, seek employment, stay in rehab, and in a matter of no time - he was back to his old habits.
So in order to break those habits - you made the choice to put him back into jail. In jail - he shouldn't get drugs, maybe he's got someone convinced he needs them the psychiatrist perhaps? Do you know how much actual time a jail house shrink gets to spend with our kid? About a minute - how in the heck can they make a diagnosis properly? They can't.
I don't want you to be my xmil Stands. I don't want you to turn into the enabler she was, which ruined not only my sons life, but my life and ultimately her OWN sons life. She kept trying to fix things, she kept listening to him whine about not having any money for food for us - then would go spend it on drugs and women...leaving me and a baby to starve. only to return a few days later with the same sad story - and off again he'd be with her money or MY money.
This cycle went on my entire marriage - it ended up with my x even selling my sons toys to finance his drug habit, my jewelery and each time -Mom would always be there to bail him out and tell him it was okay. And it wasnt' okay - because what she created was a 52 year old psychopath who abused his wife, sold his kid for dope, and has no idea how to live in the world now that she's not there with her checkbook to bail him out. And THAT is sad - but THAT is the reality of a co-dependent.
HE was SO dependent on her he had NO idea how to live his life. It cost him his home, his wife, his son, and eventually it will cost him his life because lets face it - at 52 if you haven't figured out how to stay off drugs, booze, and stop your destructive behaviors the outlook is grim.
So what sets him and your sons future apart if you can't find a way to stop enabling him? Maybe the fact that your kid is a lot nicer or maybe only 28 years.
I'm not writing this to evoke your sympathy or make you mad or frustrate you. And largely - it's MY reality or what was. But for the rest of MY life - I will try as hard as I can to forgive my xmil for what she did to me and my son and MY family - MY SHOT at a life, MY TIME - NOT hers - she had hers, she raised a family. THAT was my time - and she would NOT let go and let him fall on his face and take his lumps because she felt guilty that she couldn't fix him - so instead she constantly tried to do little fixes his whole life - and look how it turned out -
He's homeless, he's jobless, he's in and out of jail, he's mostly suicidal, and homocidal, he's still on drugs, he's STILL drinking and he's STILL beating up on women. Nothing has changed for him. And she died at 68 after investing her ENTIRE LIFE in this kid - she had 5 and GOT NOTHING for her devotion to myx, nothing - he never changed despite her pleas, crying , begging - and she had other kids, and grandkids that suffered so much because instead of loving the people who wanted her attention she gave it ALL to him.
I cant' speak for anyone else here - I wouldn't begin to try - but from my heart Stands the message I want to get across to you today is FIND a way to save your SON by allowing him to take his lumps. IT hurts, it's hard, I HATE IT WITH A PASSION of 110 people.....for my own self. And I dont' like not having control over my sons life even at 18 - it bugs me -
But after I watched my xmil do to HER son what she did I KNEW there was NO way i would be responsible for ruining his life - or his future familes life. I truly wanted him to be happy - and than meant life smelling quite a bit more on my part - as I feel I had ALREADY lost enough.
Maybe something in all that will help you find the strength to allow your son to find his own level feet, and someday give YOU the pleasure of knowing that despite the pain - YOU stepped back and allowed his life to happen the way it will.
I hope someday Dude will live the kind of life that makes him happy and somewhere in it all one day Il'l get a hug for no reason without explaination - and I'll know I did right without asking. I'll be able to see it.
I wish that for you and your son Stands - I really do.
Since he's not willing to let go - maybe you have to.