A maze of Grace - that about sums it up
difficult child II (11) woke up in a wicked mood, and it went on all day. My Dad even lost it on him and yelled at him, which normally gets him in check, but not today. So much for my Dad's "it's a woman thing" theory, because today difficult child II said "F U" to him and "drop dead"
1st melt down was over not being able to find his red shorts, a national crisis!
2nd melt down was over not wanting to have to wait at the mall while difficult child I filled out more paper work for his job.
3rd meltdown was over me not being willing to drop him off at our old townhouse developement to see his friends. We were near by, but it was late and storming.
4th meltdown was over not wanting to stop for dinner
5th meltdown was over me not letting him have a jug of gatoraide b4 bed
6th meltdown is still currently going on, I asked him to but his clean sheets on his bed and he is screaming that I took them off, I should put them back on!
who needs fireworks when your child is a walking time bomb???

1st melt down was over not being able to find his red shorts, a national crisis!
2nd melt down was over not wanting to have to wait at the mall while difficult child I filled out more paper work for his job.
3rd meltdown was over me not being willing to drop him off at our old townhouse developement to see his friends. We were near by, but it was late and storming.
4th meltdown was over not wanting to stop for dinner
5th meltdown was over me not letting him have a jug of gatoraide b4 bed
6th meltdown is still currently going on, I asked him to but his clean sheets on his bed and he is screaming that I took them off, I should put them back on!
who needs fireworks when your child is a walking time bomb???