This thread is hilarious! I was :rofl: till I cried with Oakie Dokie Good!!! So here's mine:
DEX has a customer named Fernow....YUP....pronounced just like it's spelled. "The meetings over, Fernow"
difficult child: middle name is Mart, gpa's name was Martin dropped the -in: I think of Wal-Mart everytime I use it(every 5 minutes)...not my idea.....I adopted him! LOL
My brother: surname Gerber (yeah, you know what I had to put up with?) named his middle daughter ZURI.....say that three times fast and it sounds like you're throwing up, poor girl! :slap:
My daughter learned cursive and they had to write their names 20 times...she got a little confused with her N's and S's....her middle name is Ann. YUP She was so proud! A whole sheet of, you guessed it, Kelli
Surname......still have it, saving it for Graduation!! :rofl:
My sister Caryn Michelle-called her Charlie which evolved into Charlie Tuna and then to Tunafish (what were we thinking?? :nonono: ) then when she was 18 we changed it to Charles, I still call her that and my brother still calls her Tuna, she's 32 for Heaven's Sake.
My middle name......Mom's name is Mary, everyone calls her Kaye, Dad's name is Allen....Kallen! Could you imagine if they had gone with Mallen??? :slap:
husband's sisters are Gloria Jean, Michel (pronounced Michael), Terry who married a Terry, no joke we call them Terry-he and Terry-she, Leslie Ann (they loved her best)LOL, brothers Merle Jr and Rick Jones (nothing like the comic book character), Dad Merle!
DEX's middle name is Lane. Everytime we drove by his street I would ask him to steal the sign, he wouldn't.
easy child 2's middle name is Louis. I must defend myself, I was on drugs when they asked! :thumb: He HATES it when I middle name him in public.