***Funny Family Names***


Well-Known Member
My moms divorce lawyer was named Chip D i c k s! Can you even imagine?

There was a E. Pysse Eurie in our phone book. We found that name amusing.

I have old ice tea spoons that got passed down thru the family from some member that look like mint leaves and they came from a lady who's real name was Priscilla but she went by P----! So we have P-----'s Ice Tea spoons.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful

This thread is a riot!

Hmmmmm. My bio dad's name is Llyod Richard. He chose to be called D i c k. Small wonder the grandkids will only refer to him as Papa. lmao

My grandmother was named Virena Daisy. Wonderful woman with a name no one wants to pass down. Her sister was named Viola.

Side note though, N has been considering naming one of her girls Virena. She and easy child like the old traditional names.

I have an Uncle named Lyle which I never knew til his funeral. Everyone always called him Pete.

I went to school with a girl named Sunshine Rae, another named Ima Jean Kuntz (kids purposely mispronounce her last name to torment her Ima Kuntz) Also went to school with a Jack Frost if you can believe it.

This is the very reason I was very careful when naming my own kids. And why the name husband wanted for T was an adamant NO! George Newton for landsakes! :rofl:


Active Member
fran, was candy kane from shaler??? I knew her.

DDD my nephew named his sons
Valin (he was born on valentines day)


Former desparate mom
Janet, you are the second person to tell me they knew a Candy Kane. Must not be uncommon. husband worked in Miami with Ms. Kane which means I don't know where she was from originally.


Active Member
A guy in my building is named Fred Horney...I can't imagine growing up with that one.

Also many years ago a girl in school was pregnant. She had a daughter and named her Mackenzie. I was like, what the heck who names their kid that. Flash forward like 16 years and I named my own kid Mackenzie.

If I had a a son, I wanted to name him Ryan, but husband said everybody would call him cryin' ryan...

While these are not to unusual, it shows how you can have a common name (ryan) and still get made fun of.


New Member
My sister went to elementary school with a girl whose name was pronounced "Page-uh-mae" When asked where she got that name, she said her Momma got int out of the Sears Catalog--it was spelled, "Pajama"!!

I went to high school with a girl whose last name was D i c k and she married a guy whose last name was Dilday so she is now, _ _ _ _ D ick-Dilday!

Another friend's parents were hippies and her name is Rain, sister's names are Brook, Willow & Autumn--her brothers are River and Oak.


Active Member
my uncle Leo Aloysius had a son named Richard. we would hoot and howl when anyone said
Leo's D I C K did this and Leo's D I C K did that.
While I was in the shower this morning I suddenly remembered a great uncle who has long since gone to heaven??? (I'm not really sure if he ended up there as he was kind of a "shady" character).

Anyway, his initials were A.S.S. He actually had monogrammed bathroom towels with his initials on them. We always got a good laugh after visiting him.

I LOVE this thread!!! :rofl: WFEN


New Member
After doing some more thinking, I have thought of some others I have run into. Years ago as a bank teller, we had customers:

Mr. & Mrs. Dokter
Dr. & Mrs. Mister - we thought this was hilarious!

We had one guy whose first name was Oscar and he lived on-you guessed it-Sesame St.

My all time fav though is a guy who was giving a collegue a telephone application for a Home Equity Line of Credit and when asked if his wife would be on the account, he said, yes. She asked him for the wife's full name, soc sec number, etc and he starting hem-hawing around saying that she always had a little trouble with her name and my colleague asked for the name and he said he would just spell it. OK, the lady's first name was spelled: (deleted by moderator). Pronounced EXACTLY as spelled. She had to be from another country! My colleague was very easliy tickled and I have no idea how she got through that call without exploding.

This thread is great-I had forgotten about these!


Sheena-Warrior Momma

This thread is hilarious! I was :rofl: till I cried with Oakie Dokie Good!!! So here's mine:

DEX has a customer named Fernow....YUP....pronounced just like it's spelled. "The meetings over, Fernow"

difficult child: middle name is Mart, gpa's name was Martin dropped the -in: I think of Wal-Mart everytime I use it(every 5 minutes)...not my idea.....I adopted him! LOL

My brother: surname Gerber (yeah, you know what I had to put up with?) named his middle daughter ZURI.....say that three times fast and it sounds like you're throwing up, poor girl! :slap:

My daughter learned cursive and they had to write their names 20 times...she got a little confused with her N's and S's....her middle name is Ann. YUP She was so proud! A whole sheet of, you guessed it, Kelli :censored2: Surname......still have it, saving it for Graduation!! :rofl:

My sister Caryn Michelle-called her Charlie which evolved into Charlie Tuna and then to Tunafish (what were we thinking?? :nonono: ) then when she was 18 we changed it to Charles, I still call her that and my brother still calls her Tuna, she's 32 for Heaven's Sake.

My middle name......Mom's name is Mary, everyone calls her Kaye, Dad's name is Allen....Kallen! Could you imagine if they had gone with Mallen??? :slap:

husband's sisters are Gloria Jean, Michel (pronounced Michael), Terry who married a Terry, no joke we call them Terry-he and Terry-she, Leslie Ann (they loved her best)LOL, brothers Merle Jr and Rick Jones (nothing like the comic book character), Dad Merle!

DEX's middle name is Lane. Everytime we drove by his street I would ask him to steal the sign, he wouldn't.

easy child 2's middle name is Louis. I must defend myself, I was on drugs when they asked! :thumb: He HATES it when I middle name him in public.



Well-Known Member
I LOVE these too! :grin:

We have a guy in our local phone book named "Harry O'Rear"! That's another one where you have to say, "What on earth were his parents thinking?" And I once knew a guy whose legal real first name was "Caboose" ... he was the youngest in a family of 13 or 14 kids!

Some of our inmates have the funniest names I've ever seen! You can almost see how they never had a chance! We had one guy whose first name was (I swear!) "Assdot"! We all wondered whether his mother came up with that one on her own or if he had descended from a long line of "Assdots"! :frown: :frown: :frown: We had one inmate whose first name was "Mister" and another one whose first name was "Sir".

In my immediate family we don't have many weird names, we just have a lot of people with the same names, like there weren't enough names to go around or something! My dad had five siblings, and between them, their spouses and the 19 of us grandkids (and now a few great-grands) ... we had two Bettys, two Bills, two Dannys, two Jimmys, two Carols, two Judys, two Michaels, two Bobbys (a father/daughter combo), three Stevens ... we have a Bobby Sue, a Carol Sue and even a Sue-Sue - they still call her that even though she's 54 now! To keep them straight we always referred to them by who they "belonged to" ... for example - "Jimmy's Carol" was my Uncle Jimmy's wife ... "Lenny's Carol" was my Uncle Lenny's daughter! "Bobbys Jimmy" was my Uncle Bobbys son who was named after my Uncle Jimmy. Somehow we managed to keep it all perfectly straight, but you should have seen me trying to explain all this to my kids the first time we drove up to visit this bunch! :eek: :shocked:


Well-Known Member
My neighbor named her daughter Jenny and her last name is Craig. She told me she named her daughter before the diet Jenny Craig was famous. I laughed...her daughter is 15. Neighbor is much younger than I am and evidently didn't remember the original Jenny Craig.

My maiden name is Wiencek...rhymes with Insect except for the end "t". My nickname in grade school was froggie...so they called me "froggie insect".



Well-Known Member
Sorry, but I had to edit a couple of these. Some are just bordering on obscene. Let's keep it clean, please.... :wink:

Stella Johnson

Active Member
This is too funny. :rofl:

My first day in High School the school secratary went over the PA system asking for a student to come to the office. Her name was Summer Massengil.

The entire (very large) school cracked up laughing. We all thought it was a joke or a prank call until a girl in my class stood up to go to the office. :slap:

Why oh why would you curse your daughter with that name? As if it isn't bad enough to have the last name which the parents couldn't help but to add Summer to it????

My mom's family are all from Germany so we have lots of weird names. Last names like Witsche. (pronounced Witchy)
Great grandmother was Bertha, grandma is Ruth, Aunt named Willamena.

That's actually where my name for the board, Stephie came from. My name is Stephanie but my family always called me Stephie, the German version of it.


Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Too funny donna.

We also have the "not enough names to go around syndrome". We have 3 Steves, 2 Llyods, 3 Sues, 2 Davids, 2 Darrins, 2 Daniels. Mom used to worry all of her grandkids names would begin with T's. Tonya, Tristan, Terea, Tamara, and Travis. And I have a sister Tami. lol

I have a friend named Sharla. Her mother's name is Sharon, dad's name was Charlie. Her name is a combo. Her sister's name is Tangie. Sharla and Tangie's sister in law is named Starla. :faint:

I forgot about my poor lil neice named Stormy Sea Meret Sirname. My ex sis in law is a bit odd. lol
My first marraige (a short encounter which bore no children) was to a Chris. My dad is Chris. My brother is Chris. My husband's brother dated a Christine who went by the name Chris. We called my husband CJ. Christine's last name was Pelikan, and we affectionately referred to her as "The Bird".

My entire childhood, we called dad & bro "Big Chris" and "Little Chris". My younger brother (my first dealing with a difficult child!) named Mike felt left out so when he was about 5-6 he called himself "Littlest Chris". Back when Mike was just learning to talk, he tried to call his brother Christopher. It came out "Feekafoo". To this day (much to Chris's chagrin) we still call him "Feekie".

My dad, who was born on Christmas Eve, used to try to convince people that his middle name was Even, and that Chris was short for Christmas instead of Christopher. Come to think of it, I suppose HE was my first dealing with a difficult child.

Sue C

Active Member
No funny family names except that my middle name is Marie, and I gave Angela and Melissa the middle name of Marie, too. They think that is weird. husband's father's first/middle name was Otto Atto, and everyone kidded him about that.

Here are some people I actually knew:
April May Rainey
Rick Reck (sp?)
Micky Moke
Tommy Thompson
Peter Peterson
Robert Robertson

And then there were friends of the family who named their son after the dad: Wally and Wally and their daughter after their mom: Jane and Jane. I thought that was strange.

Fun thread!