***Funny Family Names***


New Member
I knew a Cinnamon in college and a Douglas Douglas.

There is a local family named "Doobey" here too. That one always makes me laugh. First time one of them called my office, I thought it was my boss pulling a prank. Thank God I just decided to 'play along' and take a message from the caller. Eek. Could have been disastrous for my employment.

I also know an April May June and an Sam Shortsleeve.

This is a great thread!!


New Member
well, lessee -

I'm from all German stock, so one grandmother was Julianna Gertrude and the other was Wilhemina Minerva. Julianna's siblings wer Ferdinan, Marie, Louisa and Johann, Wilhemina' were Rosa and Bertha (always called Doda). Another family member was Luella - named after her parents Louis and Ellena. Her siblings were Louis (my grandfather), Milton, Edwin, and Howard.

husband's dad's birth certificate says "James" but he's always been called "Bill". No one knows why.

I know a lot of people from the hills of Eastern KY, and some of the names are Ellazene, Arbeulah, Julius, Kelly (for a man), D Wayne (yes, no apostrophy) and a lot of female sounding names as middle names for men (Lynne) and male sounding names as middle names for women (Rae).


Well-Known Member
The neighbor across the street named their now 2 year old girl:


Yes, after the Flintstones. I asked if it was a nick name. No, I was told. It is her legal name.

She's probably going to be asked if she has a brother named "Bam Bam" A LOT.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and my Grandfather's first name was Lowell.

My grandmother called him "Gerald".

Why? It's not his middle name.

I heard her say it was because "I don't like it".

So, she simply called him a name SHE DID LIKE.

That was my Grandma!


Well-Known Member
I work with a guy named Charles who has a toddler-age daughter named "Charleigh", pronounced just like a mans' name, "Charlie". I thought it was a nickname but it's not. His wife's name is "Leigh" and they combined their names to get "Charleigh". I think that's kinda cute!

We're big on nicknames at work. We had one guy who has been called "Peetie" since he was a kid - his name is James. We've gotten mail addressed to him as "P.D. ..."! And at one time we had a "Rabbit", a "Squirrel" and a "Moose". Rabbit is in his 60's now and has been called Rabbit since he was a kid ... his daughter called for him one day and asked to speak to "Mr. Rabbit". :grin: We knew exactly who she was asking for! Most people never knew his real name. Rabbit is retired now, Squirrel died a few years ago, and Moose is still there.

We have another guy called "'Naner Nose" ... when you see him, it becomes obvious how he got the name.

Sue C

Active Member
I just remembered a family who used to go to our church. I kid you not about this. They had two young children, a girl and a boy. They named the girl Story and the boy Book. "Story Book"



Well-Known Member
Oh, I forgot this one!

My daughter was in parochial school for first and second grades, before we moved to Tennessee. This was back in the early 80's when various churches and civic groups "sponsored" families of Vietnamese refugees to give them a start in their new country. The church and school property sat on an entire city block downtown, which included a small house adjacent to the playground of the school. The church was sponsoring a nice Vietnamese family with five small children who lived in this house and their older kids, two adorable little boys, were enrolled in the school. Their names were "Hi" and "Ho". "Hi" was in first grade in my daughters class, "Ho" was in second grade.

I will never forget walking past the playground with my daughter one afternoon on our way to the parking lot, and she saw the two little boys on the playground ... waving and grinning at them, she greeted them with, "Hi, Hi! Hi, Ho!"


Well-Known Member
My husbands grandmother was one of 23 kids! She was the youngest. Granted there were two mothers in that mix because mom number one died I think and daddy married number two but still! 23 kids!

These people would be well over 100 now and all are dead and were all Lumbee Indians. I cant even tell you all the names but the one that was so funny is for some reason they seemed to run out of names and named one of the boys Boy. Yep...that was his real name. Boy Sampson. Now we also have a Roscoe in that bunch and husband's grandma was Sadie which I really like. We liked the name Sadie so much we named a really pretty little dog of ours Sadie Mae.

Out of that same family...on another side...we have an Estalita, a Nestlea, Pumpkin, and some others I simply cannot remember because I dont know them all that well. With 23 branches on the tree...I dont know everyone!


My husbands family is...well lets just say about as hillbilly as they come. Some of the names of babys born in the last few years have included:
Marshall Dylan (i think thats from gunsmoke)
Dakota Rope
and...one to be born in August: Mason Dixon

makes me feel plain as vanilla...but glad they ain't really my kin.


Well-Known Member
I thought it was bad that my two grandkids are Tru Destiney and Harley David but as I think about it, my two grandmothers were Emma Wilhelmina and Bertha Lina. And my grandpa was McAlpin McPherson. His brothers were Raymond Endymion and Frederic Lancelot and one of their sons was a boy named Cherry and another child was Union Jack McPherson. I guess things were different in those days!!!

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Talk about coincidence...... I was at my friend's house this evening. Her son's invited a neighbor boy over to play. The 3 yr old's name was....... I kid you not.....

Ozzie (first name) Osborne (middle name) :faint: :slap:

Poor kid.