GFGmom sent me an email today.


New Member
My difficult child#1 is all about the illusion and not the reality. I often wish I could live in the land of illusion too. Do what you must, DDD, to stay sane.


Well-Known Member
LOL Star...I got that letter but without the I love you. Just Dear arent in the will.

Of course, then a few years later I got the phone call from Social Services telling me that I would be prosecuted if I didnt take care of her. So, I had to take care of a woman who had hated me all of her life. Lovely.


call 911
Kathy -

What shoes do you wear with those outfits -

D3 - I'm sure she meant what she said - I'm just so jaded I keep all my hope in a 3 lock box anymore and some Ogre with a talking pet donkey who loves waffles and a pink dragon has the only key


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I believe she really believed it or believes it. The sad reality is, however, that it just doesn't make any difference what she thinks. I don't harbor ill will. I'm just detached. The less I know about what's going on in her life the less stress I have in mine. I have had to realize that our difficult child#2 has lost all the opportunities that I worked so hard to gain for him. That's the painful part. To the best of my knowledge he no longer has any realistic goals, no longer takes the Rx's that allowed him to function at his best, has no structure for his life and he is not capable of achieving anything with-o those supports. Sigh. She just doesn't get it. DDD