call 911
Remember the "we need to move Dude" committee because he "supposedly" isn't meeting his "probation criteria?" and we went down the list systematically before the meeting last Monday - and we went armed, had called advocacy groups, and had our ducks in a row????
Well the "agency" that was trying to move him - pretended at the meeting that this was NONE of their doing.
Okay so that leaves -
Probation officer
Foster Parents.
Had 2 hour heart to heart with foster parents - they said NO - they did NOT do ANYTHING - they like our kid - they think they can help, just hope that they are. We said they are - with tweeking - and we've all gotten on the same page.
So.....Called an advocacy group - they called "the agency" and agency told them - this was the probation officer doing it. Uh...what? Oh okay -and they were adament about Dude moving. He had "done this" to HIMSELF. go to the meeting and there was a letter written by the probation officer???? Stating he thought the "agencies" idea of moving Dude 200 miles NW was agreeable IF he didn't meet criteria. can you pay for your fines if you have no job and how can you get a job if you are a felon and last month 240,000 people lost their jobs???? DUH.
But Dude still goes out, checks out every lead. I'm amazed.
So TODAY - he got to talk to the probation officer and the PROBATION officer told my son with his father THERE - I have NO idea what kind of flip flop carp your caseworker is trying to pull - but I dont' think I'm going to talk to him over the phone anymore - I will be requiring him to send emails....
Dude told him what they said about HIM at the meeting - this was HIS idea, he started it (lies) and that HIS SUGGESTION (lie) was to move him.
So the agency (thanks to Mom and Dad) has been caught IN A LIE - ugh.
And I told them at that meeting on Monday - that WE WOULD Be contacting his probation officer and finding out EXACTLY what his roll was in all of this - and the "fake" phone call the caseworker pretended to make when he left the room to the Probation officer to have a "conference"
PO says they are playing games..............FINALLY some justice.....
And that as long as Dude is bringing in money (I was right - it's all about money) they should leave him ALONE.
I want to .......I want to........I can't write here what I want to but I HATE IT WORSE I think when I find out someone has lied.....and I KNOW they did. Than if they lied and I never found out......and NOW I am
FURIOUS.....with a capital F....
Can't do anything about it - but for the **** they put ME and my son through over this game????? SHAME SHAME - and SHAME.
Remember the "we need to move Dude" committee because he "supposedly" isn't meeting his "probation criteria?" and we went down the list systematically before the meeting last Monday - and we went armed, had called advocacy groups, and had our ducks in a row????
Well the "agency" that was trying to move him - pretended at the meeting that this was NONE of their doing.
Okay so that leaves -
Probation officer
Foster Parents.
Had 2 hour heart to heart with foster parents - they said NO - they did NOT do ANYTHING - they like our kid - they think they can help, just hope that they are. We said they are - with tweeking - and we've all gotten on the same page.
So.....Called an advocacy group - they called "the agency" and agency told them - this was the probation officer doing it. Uh...what? Oh okay -and they were adament about Dude moving. He had "done this" to HIMSELF. go to the meeting and there was a letter written by the probation officer???? Stating he thought the "agencies" idea of moving Dude 200 miles NW was agreeable IF he didn't meet criteria. can you pay for your fines if you have no job and how can you get a job if you are a felon and last month 240,000 people lost their jobs???? DUH.
But Dude still goes out, checks out every lead. I'm amazed.
So TODAY - he got to talk to the probation officer and the PROBATION officer told my son with his father THERE - I have NO idea what kind of flip flop carp your caseworker is trying to pull - but I dont' think I'm going to talk to him over the phone anymore - I will be requiring him to send emails....
Dude told him what they said about HIM at the meeting - this was HIS idea, he started it (lies) and that HIS SUGGESTION (lie) was to move him.
So the agency (thanks to Mom and Dad) has been caught IN A LIE - ugh.
And I told them at that meeting on Monday - that WE WOULD Be contacting his probation officer and finding out EXACTLY what his roll was in all of this - and the "fake" phone call the caseworker pretended to make when he left the room to the Probation officer to have a "conference"
PO says they are playing games..............FINALLY some justice.....
And that as long as Dude is bringing in money (I was right - it's all about money) they should leave him ALONE.
I want to .......I want to........I can't write here what I want to but I HATE IT WORSE I think when I find out someone has lied.....and I KNOW they did. Than if they lied and I never found out......and NOW I am
FURIOUS.....with a capital F....
Can't do anything about it - but for the **** they put ME and my son through over this game????? SHAME SHAME - and SHAME.