Lost in sadness
Active Member
I posted my first story on 29th November - my son was being evicted from his house and I was desperate. I wanted to update, its been a while and if Im honest I thought I had cracked it. I thought my story would be different...sadly it isn't and I'm hurting so bad.
My husband collected his things from the house and bought them back home, all wet and mouldy, it took three days to get them all clean. Two days after we received a bill for £3,500 to repair the room he was living in, the pictures made me cry!! I left him for a week with only one option left which he would not take and that was to move away for a few weeks and live with some friends of ours that lived in the middle of no where. It was my final option left. Eventually he texted, "give me their number, I want to change". He called them, they picked him up. I felt such relief! He stopped taking drugs, worked for them, went to the gym and looked better. I took him to the doctors and he agreed to anger management and they gave him some medication. There were ups and downs though, lies, etc. Tell tale signs that he was still doing what he wanted. We had a meeting and agreed he could come home to live and I would pick him up day before Christmas Eve. He sat on my lap and cried like an 8 year old! 9 months away and I had got my boy back!! The day I picked him up, I could sense an atmosphere - he had split with his girlfriend and wanted to go on a night out. I told him 'no' - that he had been away for 9 months and I wanted him to stay at home. The friends he was staying with supported me and he got agitated with them so they told him to leave and wished me well. Needless to say we argued all the way home. I dropped him to get a haircut thinking he wold come back after. He didn't. My daughter (14) was so upset so he promised he would meet her int own to do some Christmas shopping with her. He never showed. He went out. He never came home So, Christmas Eve we packed up and left for family, without him. He rang the next day asking I go and get him, I refused and told him the rules. He made his own way to us and we had a lovely two days. He had wrote us all apology cards promising it was going to be different, that he had been a fool blah blah. Boxing day night we returned home. Girlfriend came and it was ok. He was up all night making food etc and I told him this could not continue. Next day we left him at home with girlfriend, In evening we had friends over and he was again polite etc. Then girlfriend came in crying saying he had gone out to meet another girl!!! When he came back, I was cross and dared to question him, it got out of hand and he started rearing up to me, clenched fists, hit my wall. pushed me and slammed door in my face. I marched in his room and picked his stuff up and told him to get out, he started calling me names etc. He left, I thought in a taxi with his girlfriend but next day I read a load of messages on my phone saying, "help mum", "its freezing", "let me in", I looked out of our window, white ground and saw a tent in our garden at -4 degrees, I felt sick!!!! I tried to call. Nothing. Ive never ran so fast in all my life across to the tent thinking he may be dead. It was empty. Girlfriends mother texted saying he arrived there in the morning and I needed to go and pick him up. I did. Took girlfriend to work. He was angry and agitated, I felt scared. He got out to say goodbye leaving his bag on seat. I picked it up. It smelt of weed. Brand new bag, 3 days old. I knew I couldn't bring him home. I challenged him, he denied it. Starting calling me names,
mother etc and wouldn't get out of my car. I told him we would go and get some housing advice but instead I drove to the local police station, got out and asked for their help. I left him there. He scares me and gets pleasure from it. After 24 hors he texted saying "police said 24hours, what are you doing, come and get me". I told him I loved him but it was time to stop lying, being abusive and sort his life out. I got back f**k you!! Not heard anything for nearly a week and then yesterday I get a text saying when can I come home? I'm torn, I'm hurt, I'm scared, I'm lost. He has nothing, no-one but I know he cannot come home. What shall I do??? Im so sorry the story is so long!!!!
My husband collected his things from the house and bought them back home, all wet and mouldy, it took three days to get them all clean. Two days after we received a bill for £3,500 to repair the room he was living in, the pictures made me cry!! I left him for a week with only one option left which he would not take and that was to move away for a few weeks and live with some friends of ours that lived in the middle of no where. It was my final option left. Eventually he texted, "give me their number, I want to change". He called them, they picked him up. I felt such relief! He stopped taking drugs, worked for them, went to the gym and looked better. I took him to the doctors and he agreed to anger management and they gave him some medication. There were ups and downs though, lies, etc. Tell tale signs that he was still doing what he wanted. We had a meeting and agreed he could come home to live and I would pick him up day before Christmas Eve. He sat on my lap and cried like an 8 year old! 9 months away and I had got my boy back!! The day I picked him up, I could sense an atmosphere - he had split with his girlfriend and wanted to go on a night out. I told him 'no' - that he had been away for 9 months and I wanted him to stay at home. The friends he was staying with supported me and he got agitated with them so they told him to leave and wished me well. Needless to say we argued all the way home. I dropped him to get a haircut thinking he wold come back after. He didn't. My daughter (14) was so upset so he promised he would meet her int own to do some Christmas shopping with her. He never showed. He went out. He never came home So, Christmas Eve we packed up and left for family, without him. He rang the next day asking I go and get him, I refused and told him the rules. He made his own way to us and we had a lovely two days. He had wrote us all apology cards promising it was going to be different, that he had been a fool blah blah. Boxing day night we returned home. Girlfriend came and it was ok. He was up all night making food etc and I told him this could not continue. Next day we left him at home with girlfriend, In evening we had friends over and he was again polite etc. Then girlfriend came in crying saying he had gone out to meet another girl!!! When he came back, I was cross and dared to question him, it got out of hand and he started rearing up to me, clenched fists, hit my wall. pushed me and slammed door in my face. I marched in his room and picked his stuff up and told him to get out, he started calling me names etc. He left, I thought in a taxi with his girlfriend but next day I read a load of messages on my phone saying, "help mum", "its freezing", "let me in", I looked out of our window, white ground and saw a tent in our garden at -4 degrees, I felt sick!!!! I tried to call. Nothing. Ive never ran so fast in all my life across to the tent thinking he may be dead. It was empty. Girlfriends mother texted saying he arrived there in the morning and I needed to go and pick him up. I did. Took girlfriend to work. He was angry and agitated, I felt scared. He got out to say goodbye leaving his bag on seat. I picked it up. It smelt of weed. Brand new bag, 3 days old. I knew I couldn't bring him home. I challenged him, he denied it. Starting calling me names,