How are you? It's so frustrating I know. So, I wanted to give you another thought on this if I may. Granted his performance or lack thereof may be directly linked to the anxiety issues that he has. Yet I see he is 14, and in 8th grade. I wanted to ask socially how is he doing? Does he have friends? Do they "hang out" together?
The reason I am asking is because I as I think many of us do whenever we see a change of fluctuation in our children's school performance/or home behavior we tend to think of the disorders in which they struggle with, and the other varying issues that come from that. Yet sometimes, especially in 8th grade and being a teenager it can just be teenagism I like to call it. Besides all their struggles their still the typical child growing and adjusting through their childhood and into their teenage years. It could very well be a mix of both and all factors as well. Many of my friends kids, and my older one as well fell short in 8th and 9th grade especially, who knows why hormonal their bodies changing their needs changing the realization of high school around the corner, the cirriculum sometimes can be a bit more challenging the year prior to high school because their trying to gear them up, and prepare.
So, I'm not saying that it's that, i'm just offering a different thought on this for you. Granted our kids are unique, yet there are some things I do believe in certain circumstances that hold true across the board during the teenage years.
My almost 16 year old for example, she's never been diagnosis with anything yet i know she's had her bouts of depression here and there, we went to joint therapy together to handle it for a short time. Yet now it's I forgot that, I forgot this. Last year forget it i wanted to scream she had to go to summer school because she failed 4 classes, 4 can you imagine. so difficult child and i all last summer up at 7 driving her and repicking up at 11 it ruled out entire summer. i guess what i'm saying is she screwed up end of 8, thru 9th and hopefully now this year being in 10th she's got her head screwed on straight, got progress report so far so good.
I think i'd look at him as a whole, how is he doing at home, with friends, socially and make my decision from there. I think they should have consequences for their behaviors especially when we know we have them on the right drug for quite sometime at the theraputic level, and we have done alot as you with the 504 to facilitate their learning at school.
it's a fine line i think for us with our difficult child's to be honest. We understand their struggles yet we do not want to give them free reign to make mistakes without paying the penalty for them.
good luck!! deep breaths, sorry i rambled on yet after i read all the responses that is what came to mind to me.