Hate myself, hate my life.


Well-Known Member
Let's face it...what she was doing was dangerous. I draw the line at dangerous. If they are doing something that is a danger to themselves or anyone else (including an animal) a spanking (not a beating) is in order. Cut yourself some slack. I probably would have done the same thing. Had she broken the door, glass could have shattered everywhere and I have actually been somewhere that exact thing happened and I ended up in the emergency room having glass taken out of my eye at 10 years old.

Don't hate yourself for being human and certainly not for doing what most sane parents would have done.


I am so sorry you had such a rotten day. These kids really do push us to our limits and beyond. Please step away from the ball bat. You are a great mom, it's just not easy.

We all lose it with them sometimes. You are human. Forgive yourself.

You are more than you realize. Beyond being Tink's mom you are a fabulous person. You are also a good friend who supports those of us here who struggle with the same battles. Your kindness, compassion and support have made a positive impact in my life.

Acceptance. Let it go and take care of yourself because you deserve it. Remember, ODAAT.



house of cards

New Member
You are a fantastic mom and Tink knows it!! You live for that child and you didn't come close to the definition of abuse in my state, I'm sorry if you feel bad that you didn't live up to your high standards on this particular day but you do meet those high standards day after day after day usually, let yourself move on.


Active Member
BBK- if this is the biggest thing you have to feel guilty about, then you are a saint!!

I know we all try to find more effective and constructive ways to discipline our kids, but shoot, sometimes the talking just doesn't do the trick. And, there is a difference between spanking and beating- or even uncontrollable spanking. There are words that can be said that are worse than spankings, I'm sure you know that.

Cut yourself some slack. And don't feel so guilty- especially in front of Tink. Maybe tell her that you are sorry for handling things the way you did, but I would be careful not to open the door for her to use guilt on you for this in the future- after all- you said she went to the door to scream about it. I wouldn't want to see this turn into her daring you to spank her in the future or pushing you that far just because she knows how upset you'll be afterwards if you do.


trying to survive....
I'm with everyone else.....we all lose it now and again...Don't be so hard on yourself...You're a great mom :D


Active Member
Take it easy on yourself. Like the others have said, difficult children have a knack for pushing our buttons. I have apologized to my difficult child when I've gotten madder than I should have, after things calm down, but I don't let him know how upset I am because I don't want him using it against me later.

By the number of supportive replies, I'm sure you can see you have a lot of company! Just tonight I was so mad at myself because I yelled and actually shook my fist at my teenage daughter. I felt terrible afterwards. Long story I won't go into about her lying for no good reason and then swearing at me for talking to her about it. And now I'm the one who feels like I'm horrible and she doesn't seem to get her part of it. Sigh! I congratulate you on your sobriety, and encourage you to keep on with it. For my part, I eat junk food. Not a good plan either! I find that what helps me the most is planning ahead for how to react to their behavior. Unfortunately, it often takes you by surprise, or catches you when you're busy, tired or sick. Hugs to you and everyone, and onwards and upwards!


been there done that too. I felt real bad about it for a good while--much, much longer than difficult child did. I felt so bad about it that I told difficult child's psychologist. She said I was human. lol

in my opinion, there's a big difference in a spanking and a beating. Cut yourself some slack.


Well-Known Member
I tried to reply earlier, but time got away from me. I remember the time I screamed at M in my scariest voice "I HATE YOU!" Not my finest hour. But in hindsight, it probably wasn't one of his finest hours, either. And we both lived through it. Don't be too hard on yourself. I think you had more control than you give yourself credit for. Tink is more than a handful. I'd be sitting her behind down on a regular basis to explain who the interior decorator in the house is.



Here we go again!
Just wanted to chime in (late as usual) and send my hugs your way... been down that road too -- tomorrow is another day! Hang in there :)


Well-Known Member
{{{Hugs}}} It really helped me with Duckie for me to think through and decide when a spanking was appropriate. Let's face it, they will become ineffective if used too much. Then a parent can get overly frustrated and lash out in true anger. That's when it becomes violence, in my humble opinion. So, I decided a long time ago that the only time it was appropriate to spank Duckie (preferably NOT over my knee due to the struggling) was when she was doing something dangerous to herself or others.

This helps me because I know the spanking won't be too hard because I won't be emotional. by the way, it may be time to come up with a strong alternative. For example: I have actually called and cancelled Duckie attending a party because of poor behavior (and made her drop off a gift early). Believe me, this stings a lot more than three swifts slaps on the butt! If you're going to "hit" her, get it where she hurts! She gets to lose something very important to her! This can be hard because you have to listen to "I hate you" and deal with sullen behavior, but it will make a very strong impact if you stick to your guns.

As everyone else has said, cut yourself some slack. You're a great Mom and she is a great kid (just with some issues).


New Member
My duaghter had a therapist I adored and completely respected. He said something once that I took to heart. "A spanking hurts until the rear quits stinging. Words stay forever." I didn't spank or even swat often, but there were times it was the only thing that got her attention. Did I like it? Nope? Did I feel like crud after? Yup. But it certainly beat telling her what a rotten child she was -- something she had heard over and over by her biomom, her biomom's friends, her foster parents.

Tink KNOWS you love her. There is no question in that little girl's mind. That is way more important than whether you raised your hand to her. Heck, that's even more important than whether you said something mean to her (we all have and all we can do is apologize after the fact).

Hon, your biggest problem is your little one rules your roost. You love her so much you're afraid to hurt her feelings, you're afraid of her bullying. Sadly, the more you let her bully (and her whining and arguing is a form of bullying), the more she will do it. It ain't easy but you've got to find a way to become the boss of your own home. Tink needs to figure out she's the little girl and you're the mom. That means YOU decide what goes on the baker's rack. You decide when it is time to go to camp. You even get to decide what to fix for meals. You make the rules. She's stuck following them. She may kick and scream, but she's still stuck. As I said, it ain't easy but somehow, someway, you gotta do it. And, as awful as this sounds, if it means you have to swat her bottom occasionally, then swat it.

Tink so reminds me of mine at that age. She really did think she was the boss of the house. Sadly, I let her think that. I loved her so much and wanted to make up for all of the awful things that had happened to her that my only goal was to make her happy. Her therapist sat me down and made it abundantly clear that I was doing the worst thing possible for my child. My job was to turn her into a responsible, productive adult, not a spoiled brat that expected the world to give her anything. It was amazing how that speech helped me start making changes.

And you're right. If something happens to you, no one is going to love Tink as you did. That doesn't mean she won't be loved. It just won't be the same love nor will the parenting be the same. Strangely, she will survive even if you don't. I know that's hard to believe but that's the way life works.

I know you don't believe it right now, but you are truly an awesome mom. Your little girl loves you. More importantly, she knows you love her. If you don't know what a gift that is, watch children who have been abused or adopted after the age of 3. They don't know they're loved. They try to do anything to be loved, but they're never sure they are. Yours is. Barring walking out the door and never coming back, you're not going to change the fact that Tink is assured of your love. She may vocalize otherwise, but her actions scream of being a beloved child.

For now, sweetie, many many HUGS. From me, your other friends here, even from Tink.

P.S.: Tink's lucky you're her mom, not me. She would have gotten another swat for standing at the door and screaming. I don't tolerate controlled temper tantrums real well.


Well-Known Member
BBK...many, many hugs. I've been there as well. Please stop beating yourself up over this. If she went over to the door to scream, she was just fine. Remember, you are the MOM, you are the BOSS, and you are the one IN CHARGE. It will be all right. It really will.

Hoping that today is a better day for you both.


Listen, stop beating yourself up!!!! We are all human, we are not running on batteries we are running on emotions. We all lose it from time to time, if we didn't then we would need services!!! You didn't abuse her, you didn't beat her with a belt, you didn't make her bleed, she will get over it. Shoot she is already over it. These kids are very hard to deal with, do we always follow the "textbook rules"? Of course not. "The professionals", the books, the websites give you the tools and it all sounds wonderful. In reality, not so much!!! We have feelings too, we get frustrated too, we have meltdowns too, why?, because we are HUMAN!!!!

You are a good, no, GREAT mom. You fight everyday to find answers for your child, you haven't given up and I don't think you ever will. You love her and she knows it.

Hang in there, you will see better days. God bless. :)


Well-Known Member
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} BBK.

First of all, STOP beating yourself up. You are a wonderful mom and Tink knows it.
Meowbunny makes a very good point...a spanking hurts far less than cruel words, and for a much shorter time. You controlled yourself, and as others have already said, she was pushing your buttons and needed a short sharp shock.

Now. As for you, young lady, you need to find some time to take care of yourself and focus on YOUR needs for a while. Call Matt and have him pick Tink up. Take yourself to a movie, or just to the park. Call your sponsor and get thee to a meeting. Look after yourself and replenish your strength.

Sorry you're having such a rough time of it. Summer hols can sure be the pits.

I don't want you guys to think that I am not reading the responses. I have read, and deeply appreciate, every single one.

My mind is going a million miles an hour right now. SOO much going on. I will post a better update when I am a little more together.


You didn't do any thing wrong. So stop beating yourself up. You are a great mom. Remember that dress you made last school year for dad daughter day...hmmmmmmmmmm. I do. I remember tons of stuff. YOU. ARE. A. GOOD. MOM!!!!

As we all know sometimes we get so wrapped up in our kids that we sometimes need to do things for ourselves. What are you doing for yourself these days kitty? Hmmm. Any time for you? School should be starting soon. Do you have a plan of a group or activity that you will be doing that is yours. All yours. Something just for you. I mean once month or so do we need to meet half way across Illinois and chat for pete's sake.
