SLSH: I did not know that- I am so glad you told me! I had thought if I mail a typed letter regarding difficult child it would automatically be kept in his file- especially if they automatically keep scribbled notes on post-its written by someone at school. HMMM.
Marguerite: I think this is exactly what has happened with difficult child for over 2 years now. The sd had been doing things like this- it started with humiliating him in class in front of peers at same time we had personal family issues and he learned that his father had chosen to never see or know him. I believe the sd's actions greatly contributed to difficult child adding things up in his mind that "he was a worthless bad kid and that's why his father chose this". This is when difficult child starting crying at the drop of a hat, saying negative things about himself, stealing, jumping out of cars, giving away toys, swinging knives and starting a fire at his own body- which is why I put him in acute psychiatric hospital. When I tried to get sd to understand and get on board with some help, principal (elem school) apparently thought I was making excuses for difficult child and started calling cops every chance she had- 5 times.
It is different in this middle school- a little- but 2-3 weeks ago principal was telling me that even though difficult child has failing grades, they will "make sure he passes the grade". After I nicely emailed saying I thought he needed some one-on-one accommodations, making it obvious I guess that I expected accommodations that actually help him learn, not changing his grades just so he can pass, and I asked for a private meeting with principal, then I get the talk that would leave any parent feeling like "oh, I should be more worried about difficult child at home, and leave them alone at sd"- which is exactly what I think it was designed to do.
I know difficult child isn't a easy child and he can become unstable and do erratic things again at any moment. So, I can't swear that I know he'd never do any of the things he was accused of. But, when he is unstable- the 2 times- there have been other signs that I have noticed and reported to psychiatrist- inability to sleep, emotional basket-case, telling me he can't take anymore, easily frustrated, no motivation, etc. I have not noticed these signs lately.
We had tried lowering lithium dosage a small amount for 10 days- then I saw him having trouble going to sleep and he suddenly lost his temper and threw his trumpet one night so he immediatley went back up on dosage. I don't think he had become so unstable as to do the things he was accused of. I do believe, however, that if he can be doing these things and there be no indicators at home, school, while meeting with therapist, etc, that he would need to be in a hospital until we can know he is getting helped more. (I think it would mean he has much more serious problems than we are aware of right now- so I would want it revealed.) Somehow, the sd either doesn't understand or doesn't care that this is extremely important and they should be helping- not throwing doubts into it then turning their backs.