telling him that I am taking a break from his abuse and will not be returning his calls (which I rarely return anyway) and that I will not be answering his text messages either for quite awhile.
This is good idea in my opinion.
t has not made a difference.
I would do it anyway. It's for
you, not for him. So you begin to loosen he grip his life choices have on YOU.
This time will be no different either.
It won't be any different if what you expect is for HIM to change. The point would be to get YOU out of the crossfire of his choices and give YOU a break. That will make a huge difference if you get yourself support while you are distanced from him.
I will go to an al anon meeting.
Do go to an al anon meeting.
Schedule time into your day for your own recovery. It needs to be at the top of your list in terms of priority.
This is essential if you want to change how you are feeling right now. The only way to do that is to change your responses to your son and to put YOU at the top of your priority list. If you resist that, or don't do it with a real strong commitment, I can tell you right now that when your son is 40 you will be in the exact same place as you are right now. If that idea is repugnant to you, then it is absolutely necessary for you to make some changes in your life today.
This is very, very hard stuff. It is in fact, devastating. However, there is a way out and it's putting the focus on to YOU. You do that by getting support to change the patterning you have had with your son, likely for his whole life. Only you can make those changes, because the likelihood that he will change is remote.
If you haven't already, you may want to read the article on detachment at the bottom of my post here. You may also want to read Codependent no more by Melodie Beattie. We all need truckloads of support to get through this forrest. Find it wherever you can, make that your priority. Once you do, things will begin to change.