Sunny, you are right they don't stock alot of medications BUT they do charge the inmates for every pill that is taken AND for the time
spent with aides, nurses or MDs. All the funds are recovered and
they take most of the money that is deposited for prisoners in their personal accounts for snacks, socks etc. I think they take
either 85 or 90 percent. For example, easy child/difficult children friend is putting
$75 in his account for his personal use. He has been seen at the
medical office and, if I remember, will be charged $25 for that
initial visit. Then they will take the remainder as his medications are
on order. Did I tell you he still hasn't had any?? The Rx at the jail costs us about $55 more than at the drug store where we
have health insurance. By the end of today there will probably be around $8.00 spending money left for the week. Each packet of
chips (school lunch size) costs $1.50. Ugh.
What I "think" happens, in actuality, is that they have a general
practioner or family doctor and he prescribes medicines he is most familiar with. In one way it makes another it doesn't. DDD