headed for a 4th DUI it seems


New Member
I am so sorry that Ant is going thru this again. The addiction is like a pirhana that has its fangs on him. I just hope that he looks back on the strength he has had in the past and what kept him on the path to sobriety.


Well-Known Member
Janet, you might want to check with the nurses at the jail to see
how they handle medications. Sadly in our area you are not allowed to turn in medications for future distribution, there is a policy that prevents your MD from contacting them and only their
official MD can decide what medications are needed and when they are given. Should you fill an Rx for anxiety, it is possible that it
will not be allowed. Today is Monday and it is afternoon. My
alcoholic boy was taken to jail around 12:30 AM Sat. He takes
two anti-seizure medications a day. I called the medical station
before noon on Friday and told them the name of the medication, the dose
he takes and reminded them that he is the one who had brain surgery. Today at lunch time he called from the nurses station
to tell me that "their" MD is going to have him take Depakote
again. He has not had any medication since his breakfast pill
Friday. He is having headaches. Nothing I can do.

Just thought I might save you a future problem and lost bucks by
suggesting a check on policy before you proceed. I'm sorry you
are having to face the bottom of the roller coaster..again! DDD


Warrior Parent
:crying: oh ant.....

Really, no words. ((((HUGS)))) and prayers to you my friend.

I will follow along and keep you in my heart.



Active Member
grace, he was not to drink or be anywhere alcohol is served. he is also to tell his PO if he gets arrested for anything. he doesnt want to tell him and is not sched to see him til september. he has no money for a program of any kind.

no word yet today either. no one called or mailed anything about this to him.

DDD I also believe you cannot turn in medications. he needs them now. he is very stressed and anxious. I gave him tylenol PM last night but it didnt help him sleep. he said in the last jail he was in, they would only give medications if already on them prescribed prior to entry.

It is like a cloud hanging over waiting to see what happens next. my older son is a cop and he cannot believe they let ant go on his own.


Active Member
In FL, the jail budgets just can't accommodate all the medications that people are on.

If Ant get's on an antianxiety medication, you might want to see if it's a cheaper one that the jail will most likely fund.

Good luck Janet. Sending cyber prayers. :angel:


New Member
Janet, So sorry to read this. daughter is right. Most jails here won't take medications that you ring in, "their" doctor has to see you and there is a long waiting list. The older cheaper medications are the only ones used in jails here, no matter what your own doctor put you on. There is an ombudsman at the state MA level here that complaints can be filed if people do not get their medications.

Some jails have an alcohol program through either Genesis or Kaiser Groups. M has been in them and was thrown out. He is still in prison for many more months. At least I don't worry as much when he is in jail. Sometimes I think he is maturing. Only time will tell.

Sending many prayers for you, Ant and Kaleb.


New Member
Janet, I wish there was something that we could do for Ant. He needs so much help for his drinking. It is hard to read that he suffers from a disease that he is not getting any help for. I wish you strength to get through this again and as always, Ant is in my heart and thoughts. I hope you get him to that appointment before anything happens (((HUGS)))

saving grace

New Member
I know... I feel like I am repeating myself but I cant get this out of my head. If at this point they have not charged him but are planning too, do you think there is a slight chance that Ant could plead his case to the police or that Nick can help him out by talking to someone? There must be some kind of State or low income program that he can apply to, or maybe he should start with getting himself to a meeting and find some help there. Maybe a letter of referance from boyfriend about his job and that he is a hard worker and trying to get his life together could be included?
Geez I dont know just grasping as straws here.

I would encourage him to seek out some anxiety medications. Do they have low income clinics or something that he could go to?



Well-Known Member
Sunny, you are right they don't stock alot of medications BUT they do charge the inmates for every pill that is taken AND for the time
spent with aides, nurses or MDs. All the funds are recovered and
they take most of the money that is deposited for prisoners in their personal accounts for snacks, socks etc. I think they take
either 85 or 90 percent. For example, easy child/difficult children friend is putting
$75 in his account for his personal use. He has been seen at the
medical office and, if I remember, will be charged $25 for that
initial visit. Then they will take the remainder as his medications are
on order. Did I tell you he still hasn't had any?? The Rx at the jail costs us about $55 more than at the drug store where we
have health insurance. By the end of today there will probably be around $8.00 spending money left for the week. Each packet of
chips (school lunch size) costs $1.50. Ugh.

What I "think" happens, in actuality, is that they have a general
practioner or family doctor and he prescribes medicines he is most familiar with. In one way it makes sense...in another it doesn't. DDD


Active Member
I so appreciate all the ideas. I too have been scrambling to prepare for the inevitable. tomorrow I go get kaleb for an unplanned few days so he can see ant before he is taken.

my son nick is a cop in another county. he said he cannot understand them handcuffing, tazering and then letting him go. it doesnt make sense. nick thinks they will gather info and prepare their case, and then send a letter for ant to appear at an arraignment some time soon. at that point, they will keep him.

we talked to a liquor control person (friend) who also said they will most likely permanently take away his Driver's license (a good thing since he already lost it til he is 34). he also said he thinks they will put him in jail.

ant is a mess. I wish he could get something to help him thru but the doctor is out til thursday and he is the family doctor who I know will help with this. he doesnt qualify for low income clinics-he makes more than I do..boyfriend pays him very well.

boyfriend will write a letter to the court when the time comes stating he needs ant, he never misses work, etc. ant is fearful of being alone and must be with us at all times. boyfriend has him working days and ant keeps company with us or friends at night.

the big thing is part of his probation is that he is to tell the PO if he gets in trouble, but he wont tell him. if they find out he is on probation, they can issue a warrant for his immediate arrest. still no word in the mail today.


Well-Known Member
Waiting is the hardest part. Well, no, maybe not knowing when
the darn doorbell will ring with uniformed officers is worse.
Either way I completely understand and will say a prayer that
they don't show up for Ant when Kaleb is visiting.

Perhaps there is a health food store product that helps with anxiety?? I've never checked but would guess so. Sending supportive hugs. DDD

Stella Johnson

Active Member
He really needs to talk to his PO. If they hear it from him it will be better on him than if they find out on their own.

Think you could talk him into admitting himself into a rehab? Would look better in court if he took it upon himself to get the help he needs. Might keep him out of jail.

If not a rehab, if he got himself a piece of paper, wrote up a list of meetings (AA), hit one a day, and had the chairperson of each meeting sign that paper as he attended it, that would hold an awful lot of water.

By the way, forgive me if I have missed it. Has anyone called the police department that arrested him? Maybe asked what is up?


Active Member
kitty, yes ant called and spoke to the cop. he said they are charging him with a DUI, evading police and driving without a license.

ant is losing his mind and screaming today. he is at his apartment alone, wants to hole up and be left alone. he said to cancel the doctor appointment. ugh.

saving grace

New Member
It sounds as if Ant is breaking down. I cant blame him at this point. I think going to meetings and having the leaders sign off on his attendance would be a great start as well. I know its a little to late for it but it would look good.

Is this the same PO that did little to nothing for him the last time he was sent back? Can Nick call the county that Ant is in and see if he can talk to someone? cop to cop?

I hope he keeps his appointment on THursday to see the doctor. I will pray with you, I will pray that this is an intervention from a higher power and that Ant sees the light and moves forward from his past life once and for all



Active Member
grace, he has totally come unraveled. he is mad that kaleb is coming. he doesnt want to see him. he is calling up and screaming and hanging up. I told him to stop and now I will not answer his calls when I see him on caller ID. he is driving me nuts. I am at my own house, and boyfriend is on his way over.

he is not going to go to any meetings. he is holed up and in the dark in the apartment. tomorrow when he is more sane I will ask about if he wants to keep the doctor appointment before I cancel it.

he will kill someone one day with his DUIs if this is not stopped. if he goes to jail, he may kill himself. he is horrified and devastated.

this is not the same PO. ant has been in three jails in three counties. he was in warren co jail and the bad PO was there. that probation ended in May thank God. this PO is my home county. this new DUI is the 4th county ant had one in..a new county I am not familiar with...boyfriend's home county. Nick cannot call the other county and should not. Ant has tarnished Nick's reputation for years, stopping nick from getting a cop job, hence nick was turned down time and again once they heard his last name in local area cop jobs...even when nick tested top on the list he was refused employment. nick had to get a cop job an hour from home in a totally different county. sigh. nick needs to keep free of ant.

the waiting is horrid for ant and he is freaking out.


Active Member
by the way he saw the 60 minutes program the other night and it caused him Post traumatic stress.
he has been in three really tough jails. sigh. I dont blame him for being so scared.

I hate it too.

his being in jail always costs...his mind, my phone bill, our sanity. jail is not help. it is warehousing of humans housed in with other even more sick humans. sigh.


Active Member
ant lives where there are two mtgs a week he can walk to and he refuses. he says the people there are just there to get the signature that they attend and are not serious about being sober.