Lost in sadness
Active Member
This coming Saturday my 18 year old son will be homeless, I have no other ideas for him. Briefly, I am married, 11 years to my sons step father. His real father passed about when he was 11 and he never really built a relationship with his stepfather and that has become progressively worse. I have a 14 year old daughter who is lovely with a great relationship with us both but she is deeply effected by all this.
Long story short - I feel he (my son) has always had something different about him from a behavioural point of view. To others he is charming, good looking and clever. To me, he is the same but its just the surface. He went to private school and got a good education although had a brief period of self harming. He felt he never fit in and the end was a struggle which resulted in us removing him and sending him to a normal college. Here is where the problems started. He had a depressive episode 18 months ago and was referred to the mental health services. By the time he received the appointment he had 'come through it' and therefore the appointment seemed like a formality, where he told them he was fine and he was diagnosed with nothing. After 6 months of college he began skipping lessons, taking drugs and eventually dropped out nearly a year ago. Since then he became abusive verbally and physically, bringing unsavory 'friends' home when we were out at work, wouldn't get a proper job, stayed up all night, slept all day. One night he slept out in a tent with a load of mates and I locked the door in the morning when I went to work so they could not come back when hungry and just doss at our house - I had had enough!! His grandparents picked him up and he stayed with them for 6 weeks before they threw him out. Due to his behavior the police came and removed him from our house and he lived with my mother for 5 weeks before it made her ill. Eventually we managed to get a house share for him on a six month contract as a guarantor with the proviso he got a job and made it work. Needless to say for 6 months he has done nothing but drink, smoke Cannabis, a bit of cocaine and had parties nightly. Two tenants moved out due to the disruption, police have come on occasions due to the windows being smashed and the room now looks like a homeless squat!! I feel sad and embarrassed as well as angry that we will be liable to pay for all the damage! He is a compulsive liar and lies about all sorts of things, including being mugged all the time when I know it is not true. He is always the victim and NEVER in the wrong. He has spent thousands of pounds on drugs and is in debt everywhere. I have tried to pay back as many people as I can. I have even paid off drugs dealers as he tells me they will stab him if he doesn't pay. I did manage to get him to sign on at the job centre about 7 weeks ago and he was offered a job interview last week. We agreed i would take him and when I arrived he was still in bed!! Swearing at me and telling me to f**k off! The next day he apologised and had another chance at a job. I picked him up, got him a hair cut, took him to the job and paid for a taxi back for him and he was due to continue at this job for four weeks. Next morning, I got up early, made him lunch to take him etc and rang him on my way to pick him up for him to still be in bed and telling me to f**k off again! I could not stop crying in despair. I have not spoken to him since.
I feel I have tried everything, he manipulates me continuously, telling me I am a bad mum and its all my fault. When he wants something like money, a lift somewhere etc he will call and act as if nothing has happened when it could have only been 10 minutes previously he abused me. He does not seem to understand this is not normal. He has no concept of time or days now and will ring me at 3/4am if he wants to ask me something. He has a temper that scares me and will 'kick off' at any minute I say no to him or something he doesn't like. Some of the words and language he uses I'm sure you could only imagine and in all my years I don't know anyone that would speak to their mother in this way but tell them they love them. He strikes out physically breaking things and is generally a bit 'strange'. Sometimes he is the 'perfect' son (usually when getting something) and I always pretend he is better and will be ok but deep down I know this is not the case. He often threatens to kill himself etc when under stress and I always, out of fear, sort out what ever the trouble is.
Saturday is looming for me and quite honestly the stress is causing palpitations, racing heartbeat and like I am in a fish bowl with life going on around me. I no longer know where to turn as everyone else has washed their hands of him - I'm all he has left.

Long story short - I feel he (my son) has always had something different about him from a behavioural point of view. To others he is charming, good looking and clever. To me, he is the same but its just the surface. He went to private school and got a good education although had a brief period of self harming. He felt he never fit in and the end was a struggle which resulted in us removing him and sending him to a normal college. Here is where the problems started. He had a depressive episode 18 months ago and was referred to the mental health services. By the time he received the appointment he had 'come through it' and therefore the appointment seemed like a formality, where he told them he was fine and he was diagnosed with nothing. After 6 months of college he began skipping lessons, taking drugs and eventually dropped out nearly a year ago. Since then he became abusive verbally and physically, bringing unsavory 'friends' home when we were out at work, wouldn't get a proper job, stayed up all night, slept all day. One night he slept out in a tent with a load of mates and I locked the door in the morning when I went to work so they could not come back when hungry and just doss at our house - I had had enough!! His grandparents picked him up and he stayed with them for 6 weeks before they threw him out. Due to his behavior the police came and removed him from our house and he lived with my mother for 5 weeks before it made her ill. Eventually we managed to get a house share for him on a six month contract as a guarantor with the proviso he got a job and made it work. Needless to say for 6 months he has done nothing but drink, smoke Cannabis, a bit of cocaine and had parties nightly. Two tenants moved out due to the disruption, police have come on occasions due to the windows being smashed and the room now looks like a homeless squat!! I feel sad and embarrassed as well as angry that we will be liable to pay for all the damage! He is a compulsive liar and lies about all sorts of things, including being mugged all the time when I know it is not true. He is always the victim and NEVER in the wrong. He has spent thousands of pounds on drugs and is in debt everywhere. I have tried to pay back as many people as I can. I have even paid off drugs dealers as he tells me they will stab him if he doesn't pay. I did manage to get him to sign on at the job centre about 7 weeks ago and he was offered a job interview last week. We agreed i would take him and when I arrived he was still in bed!! Swearing at me and telling me to f**k off! The next day he apologised and had another chance at a job. I picked him up, got him a hair cut, took him to the job and paid for a taxi back for him and he was due to continue at this job for four weeks. Next morning, I got up early, made him lunch to take him etc and rang him on my way to pick him up for him to still be in bed and telling me to f**k off again! I could not stop crying in despair. I have not spoken to him since.
I feel I have tried everything, he manipulates me continuously, telling me I am a bad mum and its all my fault. When he wants something like money, a lift somewhere etc he will call and act as if nothing has happened when it could have only been 10 minutes previously he abused me. He does not seem to understand this is not normal. He has no concept of time or days now and will ring me at 3/4am if he wants to ask me something. He has a temper that scares me and will 'kick off' at any minute I say no to him or something he doesn't like. Some of the words and language he uses I'm sure you could only imagine and in all my years I don't know anyone that would speak to their mother in this way but tell them they love them. He strikes out physically breaking things and is generally a bit 'strange'. Sometimes he is the 'perfect' son (usually when getting something) and I always pretend he is better and will be ok but deep down I know this is not the case. He often threatens to kill himself etc when under stress and I always, out of fear, sort out what ever the trouble is.
Saturday is looming for me and quite honestly the stress is causing palpitations, racing heartbeat and like I am in a fish bowl with life going on around me. I no longer know where to turn as everyone else has washed their hands of him - I'm all he has left.